Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] to get the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bent double , nipping to the car boot to get the drug bag , I see the car 's rear window has been bashed in ; broken glass shards cover the rear seat .
2 Theatre administrator Patricia McBride is calling on expert help to get the boy 's drawl exactly right .
3 Some younger patients will need to develop this into a walk/jog sequence to get the heart rate up to the necessary level , and will ultimately take up jogging the whole distance .
4 She would have to eat a bucket of chicken vindaloo to get the stuff down her and , although there had been publicly expressed doubts about the kitchens of the ‘ Tandoori ’ , Wimbledon , they had n't , as far as Henry knew , got around to using bleach to liven up their menu .
5 Her regular shopping trip to get the food for the Sabbath was something she always enjoyed as the prelude to the best part of the week with its special evening meal , its rituals , her zeide 's stories of his life in Lithuania — no matter how oft repeated — and of course not having to go to work in her father 's store .
6 The felt need to get the cleaning done conflicts with the desire to be sociable ; one can iron , or perhaps cook , while talking to a friend or neighbour , but one can not wield a vacuum cleaner and carry on a conversation at the same time .
7 The kit arrives complete with worms , a pack of starter compost to get the process going , calcified seaweed to keep the compost sweet and non-acidic ; there 's even a ready-torn supply of strips of newspaper to go in the bottom .
8 I note that the Labour party knows better than the Milk Marketing Board and has said that it would not help the Milk Marketing Board to get the reform that is necessary for British farmers and British consumers .
9 they had to go round with a blow lamp to get the frost and the dew in those big houses
10 Now you will have to go to the Bank and to the Tribal Development Office to get the loan .
11 ‘ We recognise that the Chancellor has placed an enormous responsibility on the motor industry to get the economy moving again .
12 In this country , Delgado is thrown into competitions way above his age group to get the level of experience he needs .
13 What had happened was that Mark James , playing with Nicklaus , had missed the green , shanked his chip right across the green , and then taken a train ride to get the putt for a four .
14 The market-boast died first , as one by one , IBM 's hottest new products fell by the wayside , starting as early as Series/1 and the 8100 , continuing through System 38 , which was excellent , but scared IBM 's mainframe mafia too much , to the RT , such a disaster that when it came to the RS/6000 , IBM had to play new kid on the block and study and try to emulate the leaders in the Unix market to get the thing off the ground at all .
15 A manager tries to co-ordinate , push and stimulate everything concerned with the music business to get the artist 's product in front of the public .
16 Medium-sized gouges were used to start the basic roughing out of the shape , with references made to the life model to get the proportions absolutely right .
17 He wanted to be picked up and wrung out like a floor cloth to get the stuff out of his system .
18 Whole research cruises where water samples were being taken at many depths , every sample that came back was titrated on board ship to get the silver nitrate to establish the chlorinity and hence the salinity .
19 The heavy workload demanded the requirement for familiarisation training to get the Lincoln crews used to operating over the largely featureless Malayan jungle .
20 The best position for this is at an angle of 45° facing south , but this will be dictated by the pitch of your roof and if the ridge runs north/ south , site the collector on the east side to get the benefit of the early morning sun .
21 If so , it may only be necessary for me to see the Executive Summary to get the gist of its conclusions .
22 Incidentally , I listen for my own information and education to the early recordings of the Busch quartet to get the measure of what can be achieved , and what pianissimo and dolce really mean .
23 In addition to events previously announced , there will be a Virago Birthday Breakfast to get the conference off to a positive start on the Monday , and four more workshops have been firmed up for the afternoon : ‘ Goodbye to Gutenberg ’ ( speakers Tony Feldman , Japp Buchli of Scheltma Hokema Vermuelen , Paul Ayscough of Columbia TriStar and Michael Kemp of Franklin Electronic ) ; ‘ Targeting the Book Market ’ — The Role of Research ’ ( Peter Mouncey of the AA , Sue Morris of W H Smith and Leslie Henry of BML ) ; ‘ Financial Management for Booksellers ’ ( Ian Newman , Waterstones ) ; and ‘ Take Four Walls — Shop Design on a Budget ’ ( Barry Steadham , Insight Design ) .
24 He scribbled a few lines on a scrap sheet to get the hang of Sampson 's cramped style , and then he started to fill in the form .
25 ‘ Nothing like a bit of sea air to get the brain cells jumping .
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