Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] for the benefit " in BNC.

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1 The children , their father Jim and other members of the first UK medical expedition to Everest , were on Aonach Mor , near Fort William , yesterday where they set up an imitation base camp for the benefit of the press and potential sponsors .
2 The venture can result in a generic research programme for the benefit of members , the dissemination of design data , the promotion of computer codes or the collection and dissemination for world-wide new practice .
3 The small piece of hedge , woven like a basket with the traditional hazel and willow , is now planted facing the harbour side for the benefit of photographers rather than at right angles to the bank .
4 In the financial year 1986–7 , the Severn-Trent Water Authority spent £14.2 million on land drainage , of which £7.6 million consisted of river maintenance work for the benefit of agriculture .
5 Mr X may have put 10 per cent of the UK family company ( X Ltd ) into an overseas accumulation and maintenance trust for the benefit of his children .
6 The Article 7 argument would have allowed Germany to continue with its opt-out provision for the benefit of employees , but the argument does not imply that countries , such as the UK , which in their national legislation make the transfer compulsory upon both employee and employer , are acting inconsistently with Community law .
7 These programmes are aimed at managers who are operating at Board level , allowing those with the greatest responsibility for strategy and policy the opportunity to refresh their skills , to bring themselves fully up-to-date professionally and to focus on the implications of changes in the commercial and public sector environment for the benefit of their own organisation
8 If a grandparent were to set up such an accumulation trust for the benefit of grandchildren , then income can be paid out to a grandchild when a minor and unmarried , without the income being aggregated with the income of the grandparent or the parents of the beneficiary .
9 As the law presently stands , it is open for a settlor to transfer assets overseas upon an accumulation trust for the benefit of his children without there being any UK tax liability on the income as it arises overseas .
10 In his concern to endow his sons adequately , Edward behaved in much the same way as other members of landowning society , and although he exploited the marriage market for the benefit of his own family he did not monopolize it : both the Earl of Arundel and the Earl of March gained substantially from the king 's bestowal upon them of wealthy heiresses .
11 By far the most effective arrangements presently available are those which : ( 1 ) provide for the continuing partners to have the option to acquire the share in the firm of an outgoing partner ( which overcomes the tax problems noted in Chapter 10 and offers some desirable freedom of manoeuvre to the continuing partners without ordinarily causing any disadvantage to the outgoing partner ) ; ( 2 ) finance the purchase of the share of a partner who dies before retirement by way of insurance effected on the lives of each of the partners the proceeds of which are declared to be held on trust for the partners for the time being ; ( 3 ) finance by endowment insurance the purchase of the shares of partners whose retirement can be predicted ; ( 4 ) ensure that in any case which is not or can not be sufficiently covered by available insurance ( eg payments to a partner who is expelled or who otherwise leaves the firm before normal retirement date ) payment of any capital sum is spread over a period so to reduce the burden on the continuing partners without imposing any great hardship on the outgoing partner or his estate ; and ( 5 ) impose on each partner an obligation ( Clause 14.02 ) to take out adequate ( as discussed with all the partners from time to time ) retirement provision for the benefit of himself and his familyso as not to impose any burden in that respect on the firm , which in former times would have accepted responsibility .
12 Unfortunately the smaller coffin-maker could not cope with the high-powered advertising of IPC and Dottridge Brothers , preferring to place miniature versions of their handiwork in the shop window for the benefit of passers-by , though they probably relied on the funeral furnishing warehouses for the supply of linings and coffin furniture .
13 It is a big move to concentrate not on the co-operation between a school and one useful ally but on taking an active position in , for instance , needs-orientated community education for the benefit of the community at large .
14 Nicholas Brealey Publishing has produced two titles from his business list for the benefit of the ELT market Negotiate in French and English , and Meetings in French and English .
15 The Society is a Co-operative organisation operating for the benefit of its policyholders .
16 Education development for the benefit of the providers , not the consumers .
17 Directors have sometimes been called trustees , or commercial trustees , sometimes they have been called managing partners ; it does not matter much what you call them as long as you understand what their true position is , which is really that they are commercial men managing a trading concern for the benefit of themselves and all the other shareholders … they are bound to use fair and reasonable diligence in the management of the company 's affairs and to act honestly .
18 We will continue to strengthen Scotland 's education system for the benefit of parents , pupils and teachers .
19 Please pass on my congratulations to the Editor and his team for what must have been a considerable amount of sustained commitment , in producing such a high quality publication for the benefit of all members and the industry in general . ’
20 Official bodies , organizations and societies of all kinds which publish select bibliographies in their own subject field for the benefit of their members .
21 The tenants preferred to use the contentious area as air space for the benefit of the lower ground floor rather than selling space for the benefit of the ground floor .
22 It believes that a region-wide authority is required to provide enough spending power for the benefit of the entire area .
23 Successful Skiing by Konrad Bartelski seeks to distil the experience of Britain 's pioneeringly successful World Cup skier for the benefit , primarily , of beginners and intermediates .
24 As the principal original aims of the BDDA were the founding of missions in neglected areas , the establishment of a pension fund for the benefit of the aged and infirm , and the co-operation of all who were concerned for the welfare of the deaf and dumb , it is , perhaps , surprising that the BDDA did not take off more successfully and that the great majority of deaf and dumb people stood aloof from it .
25 I , I would have thought , personally , I would have thought he would at least have chosen one from Mission Praise for the benefit of the be for the people who , who like
26 There will be a race between Longman and Macmillan for major adoptions in the short course market , and more buttons have been pushed on the Cobuild database for the benefit of both HarperCollins and BBC English .
27 At the same time many people feel that a continuing Memorial Fund for the benefit of the Society would also be appropriate .
28 The association describes its ‘ mission ’ as the representation , promotion and enhancement of the hire industry for the benefit of members and customers alike .
29 Can I , for the benefit of members opposite who , who always seem to believe that people on this side of the chamber are townies and do n't know anything about anything other than street lighting for the benefit of members opposite and for the public gallery outside , can I say that in my younger days , a million years ago , I rode with hunt .
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