Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 Managers at the Landing Gear factory have so far refused to confirm or deny the report that up to two hundred jobs are to go .
2 The stock market has so far given the RJB shares the thumbs down .
3 All theoretical treatments of the quantised Hall effect proposed so far require there to be no dissipative scattering if they are to account for the values of h/Ne 2 at the plateaux .
4 The through service to London was interrupted on 10 and 11 September 1940 , by bomb damage outside Croydon , and a shuttle service was provided by Thornton Heath depôt running as far as Norbury Station .
5 It appears that X/Open 's ISV council has thus far been unwilling to admit OSF to its ranks — political reasons notwithstanding — because , X/Open president Geoff Morris says , that its members do n't feel happy about granting OSF an X/Open ticket for a mere fraction of the price that it was originally paying .
6 However , the effect of specific inhibition of platelet activating factor by a specific receptor antagonist has so far been evaluated in models of experimental colitis only .
7 An unpublished US government study of 16 Aids patients shows that bone marrow transplantation has so far failed as a treatment .
8 The Home Office said aS far as young offenders were concerned … the aim was to find constructive altermnatives to custody …
9 The company has applied for permission to drill two more holes in the nearby Lake District National Park , but this drilling permission has thus far not been granted .
10 Hitachi was one of six Japanese companies invited to invest in Kaleida ( CI No 1,931 ) , and of the other five , only Toshiba Corp has so far stuck its head above the parapet with an agreement with Apple to license Kaleida technology and use it in jointly developed products ; others invited to join were Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , Sharp Corp , Sony Corp and NEC Corp .
11 But a bungled , unlawful business deal has so far cost them £5.3m and led to the sacking of all the BRDC 's 12 directors .
12 Although the Peace Tax Campaign has so far eschewed the use of extra-constitutional forms of dissent , confining itself for the most part to orthodox expressions of protest such as parliamentary lobbying and legal action in the courts , the failure of conventional forms of political protest to influence the prevailing defence strategy/taxation policy could have important implications regarding the future choice of tactics to be used .
13 Reports said that while US preference for a higher ceiling of between 40 per cent and 50 per cent [ see p. 38211 ] had been favoured by Kuwait , none of the other members of the Security Council had so far expressed public support .
14 Only the phenyl derivative has so far been studied as a ligand .
15 The Advanced Courses Development Programme has so far involved two phases of pilot courses , each phase having represented a stage in the progression from the current Advanced Courses system to a system based on the principles in the Policy Paper .
16 After the 1987 hurricane , the Tree Council went as far as to say that ‘ unless positive encouragement is given to owners to restore these woods … they will revert to scrub and never recover . ’
17 Commenting on more ghastly figures ( see opposite ) Philips Electronics NV chairman Jan Timmer said the Dutch multinational 's performance in 1992 's fourth quarter , which is normally the strongest of the year as people buy electronic toys for Christmas , was very disappointing , and that no let-up in price erosion had so far been seen for 1993 .
18 It is just as likely to have been a Turkish Cypriot farmer moving too far south .
19 The features of sign language interpreting so far described , and the possible registers available , suggest something rather different from the linguistic models of Seleskovitch ( 1978 ) and others .
20 One Columbia University student went as far as writing a paper on the novel and its author and was awarded a respectable grade .
21 Desmond Heap , in his 1955 presidential address to the ( then ) Town Planning Institute went so far as to declare that the preservation of Green belts was ‘ the very raison d'etre of town and country planning ’ .
22 All the women in the conference planning group had so far been white , and we were only just beginning to respond to Black women 's demands that we examine our racism , and tackle it .
23 The corporation tax has so far been treated as a tax on the rental of capital only , but in assessing its incidence the effect on monopoly profit must also be considered .
24 The variationist account developed so far is built on the axiom that language is variable at all times .
25 But teenage mirror-posed strum mastery has so far been hampered by lukewarm , docile ampishness …
26 The Jade fund to buy equipment for the special care baby unit has so far raised three thousand pounds
27 The large scale release of fusion energy has so far occurred only in stars and in the hydrogen bomb .
28 Indeed , with the exception of Atlanta 's Cable News Network , seen by a very small audience in Britain , even the introduction of new television technology has so far only extended the reach ( if not the profitability ) of Britain 's existing press barons .
29 2 In support and sponsorship of Durham County Cricket Club , which is all very well but does n't get the groceries in , the County Council has so far spent £145,000 .
30 Its recommendation for a global oil strategy has so far received no recognition , despite oil being the lifeblood of industrial ( modern ) society .
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