Example sentences of "[noun sg] close [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Middlesbrough is a club close to my heart .
2 ‘ Not silly , just compassionate , ’ he murmured , his mouth close to her ear .
3 Franco had his arm around his elder brother 's shoulder , his mouth close to his face , his other arm gesticulating gracefully , as if conducting an invisible band of players .
4 Machine the tape close to its edge , avoiding the cords , stitching along the top and bottom in the same direction .
5 They are frequently denied the choice of living in the village in which they were born and brought up or in the village close to their employment .
6 He moved stealthily to the bedroom , to the wardrobe close to his bed .
7 Actually , providing your timing is reasonable , this is not too dangerous , because you will be interrupting the attacking technique close to its source , when it is at its weakest .
8 David Whitaker devised the balance of the four main characters , drawing , perhaps predictably , from the literature close to his heart .
9 It was a story close to his heart and dated back to 1964 , before the Vietnam War was being viewed with quite the same violent passions it was arousing in the late Sixties .
10 She forced herself to smile at Billy , clutching the coat with its hidden weapon close to her side .
11 Even though both currencies are allowed to fluctuate within the wide 6 p.c. bands not available to other monetary units , the escudo shot right to the ceiling of its band — pushing sterling close to its floor .
12 All these disconnected thoughts were roaming through his mind as he drove through the middle of the night close to his flat in South Ken .
13 There was an explosion close to his head .
14 ‘ Thank you , Madame , that will be all for the moment , but , ’ he bent his head close to her ear as they moved towards the door , ‘ I would ask you to act as my eyes and ears when I am not present .
15 Data Connection , too , is playing its price-list close to its chest .
16 It was a weirdly intimate experience , holding this plump old woman close to my body , feeling her hair in my face , and yet she was a stranger .
17 There was a slight movement close to their position .
18 My method , although no good in woods , is comfortable and keeps the centre of gravity close to your back .
19 Gedanken came and sat on the floor close to his chair .
20 Grant half swayed , half fell to the inboard telephone , lifting the speaker close to his mouth .
21 Raise your right arm up in the air close to your head , then place back on your hip , repeat with your left arm .
22 Macijauskas undertook a planned tour of villages in 1968 and found a subject close to his heart .
23 As he began to shout his reply , he only managed the words , ‘ Bloody tacky , ’ when , at the sound of his raised voice close to her ear , Daisy swung her head towards him and caught him full in the chest with her nose .
24 His brother spoke in a quavering voice close to his ear as though he had read his thoughts .
25 That night , as often when she put Josh to bed , Clare held the most precious thing in her world close to her heart and felt guilty and ashamed that she was n't providing him with the things she thought she should .
26 It is also worth noting , however , that Gregory 's family was closely associated with Dijon , and that he may well have relished the prospect of a major cult close to his family estates .
27 Keep your front guard hand close to your face where it can give protection .
28 A multi-hued fashion accessory collection , with sales contributing directly to rain forest projects , while our conservation incense sticks allow you to choose a cause close to your heart .
29 ‘ She came to my bedside , put her candle close to my face and stared fiercely at me .
30 Other songs : Include Stainsby Girls , inspired by a Middlesbrough school close to his heart .
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