Example sentences of "[noun sg] aim at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 1992 programme aims at the improvement of resource allocation in the Community through the removal of barriers to the movement of goods , services , capital and labour .
2 World War II brought many new urgent needs such as anti-malarials , antiseptics and in particular participation in secret inter-allied research aimed at the synthesis of penicillin .
3 Indeed the Department of the Environment issued in 1976 a code of practice aimed at the prevention and abatement of smells from animal wastes which states that ‘ in any proceedings brought because of an alleged odour nuisance it may be a relevant consideration if the company has adhered to the code of practice to the best of its ability ’ .
4 A new periodical , Profil , was first published in July 1989 , claiming to be the first opposition periodical aimed at the establishment of " an independent forum of thought " .
5 They want to replace ineffective reaction to the symptoms of trouble with positive action aimed at the roots of the problem .
6 The Authority , which has recently renamed itself AEA Technology in an attempt to market its skills in the private sector , is launching an intense campaign aimed at the government , the Labour Party and respective energy advisers .
7 In an interview for L'Humanité published on 5 April Karmal rejected ‘ any plan aimed at the adoption of decisions in our stead ’ , including efforts ‘ to bind us to a so-called ‘ neutralisation ’ , which represents in fact only one of the forms of neo-colonialism ’ .
8 On the Havana seafront several thousand citizens fired blank cartridges , arrows and catapults out to sea in a symbolic gesture of defiance aimed at the USA .
9 In the Western media the University unrest was given prominent and extensive coverage , although it appeared to amount to little more than a mass bout of bottle throwing , which was nevertheless an act of political defiance aimed at the country 's " elder statesman " leader , Deng Xiaoping , whose last name was a homonym for the words " little bottle " .
10 It has been suggested that the story was originally a parable aimed at the Pharisees , which is , in Mark , out of context .
11 Even where he does show an interest in ‘ education ’ it is , as we have seen , only as a preventive device aimed at the public at large .
12 ( It should also be noted that the EC has announced plans to promulgate a directive aimed at the regulation of the conduct of takeovers and mergers throughout the Community . )
13 The operator will keep this beam aimed at the target while the missile , which has sensitive detectors at its back end , will steer down the centre of the beam .
14 IBM Corp has won 88000 RISC aficionado , Harris Corp , for the PowerPC RISC IBM is developing with Motorola Inc and Apple Computer Inc as part of an alliance aimed at the US Federal market .
15 The Bodyline War was also being featured overseas , the Americans equating it with the ‘ bean ball ’ in baseball — a ball aimed at the opponent 's head .
16 Skill is a functional concept aimed at the understanding of how it is done without recourse to the detail of underlying physiological mechanisms .
17 The occupational health centre is in the central office block and provides an occupational health service aimed at the prevention of illness and injury at work — and can provide immediate treatment .
18 This is an effective scooping block that curls under a kick aimed at the mid-section of the body and throws it to the side .
19 With joy in their hearts , all Brothers paused wherever they were to recite an angelus of annihilation aimed at the Emperor 's enemies .
20 It is northing more than another attack aimed at the trade unions under the government 's Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Bill , and takes absolutely no account of the additional hardship it will impose on our members .
21 At the same time a balaclava-masked soldier rolled in through the window where the stun grenade had come from , his Kalashnikov automatic aimed at the dummy that stood by the opposite window .
22 The criticisms will be studied closely by the Home Office , which has overseen an increase in British legislation aimed at the seizure of financial gains from crime , particularly drugs and terrorism .
23 You must move your forces most urgently from the Celje area … in order to concentrate for an attack aimed at the annihilation of this column . "
24 His powder-trail prose is composed of bleak trigger-finger sketches of gay oppression , with the barrel of his rage aimed at the heart of unseeing , uncaring Heterosoc .
25 The Washington Post of June 4 reported that beer bottles had that day been smashed at Beijing University , a gesture aimed at the country 's " elder statesman " leader , Deng Xiaoping , whose last name was a homonym for the words " little bottle " .
26 Cristie Electronics makes a whole family of tape drives ; the TS4000 series is the main branch , a line aimed at the PC user and providing between 60Mb and 4Gb ( Gigabytes ) of storage space .
27 High up in one corner was a camera aimed at the desk .
28 Therefore , at recording time , all that was needed to dematerialise the ship was a simple mix from the camera pointing at the live set to the camera aimed at the caption slide .
29 Two years ago the group won the go-ahead for a different scheme aimed at the banking and financial sectors , but the crash and oversupply in the City market forced a rethink .
30 If , as the psychodynamic school believes , obesity is fundamentally a psychological problem , it follows that treatment should ideally be aimed at the mind rather than at the body , and that treatment aimed at the body will leave the underlying psychological problem unaltered or even aggravated , similar objections were and still are levelled against behavioural treatments which allegedly deal only with ‘ symptoms ’ , leaving the underlying problem to spring up anew .
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