Example sentences of "[noun sg] arise from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A opportunity arose from a primary study of proliferation in gastric malignancy to investigate BrdUrd labelled gastric mucosa .
2 The impetus for the following review of the literature arose from a detailed study of 15 published reports of empirical research in the field of ‘ environmental scanning ’ .
3 The conference decision arose from an implicit assumption by the Carnegie Trustees that following a three-year funding of successful pilot schemes , subsequent responsibility would be assumed by LEAs .
4 The sum of £250 had been borrowed from Joseph Barnard , the treasurer , to make good the actual deficiency which ‘ had not arisen from any defect or negligence whatever in the management of the institution , but on the contrary arose from the great success of the Infirmary and the high reputation it had acquired , so that the number of patients had increased rapidly ’ .
5 There were reports that Iraq had received another Russian system , the SS-21 , though specialist circles are uncertain about this and arrival was not independently confirmed — perhaps the confusion arose from the last digits of the SS-12 having been inverted .
6 In the latter half of the 1970s , for example , policy discontinuity arising from an electoral and political system that encouraged an " adversary style " of politics was offered as a partial explanation for Britain 's poor economic performance .
7 I 'm more concerned about erm future possibilities , not least the possibility that the , if we fight the next European election under first past the post system then of course there will need to be a further set of boundary changes in the very near future arising from the parliamentary boundary commission proposals and I hope that again that the minister will take the change in in his remarks a little later , to assure the house that this was , because of the time constraints and there are reasons for that that I 'll come to , but because of the time constraints that this was in fact just a one off proposal because its sad that party political considerations that the minister has eluded to , the difficulties that Conservative party had over the Maastricht bill , caused our boundary procedures to be tampered with at all in the U K. At the same time as we 're seeing er a welcome expansion of democratic forms in the rest of the world in erm Eastern and central er Europe , in South Africa for instance we see the erosion of these forms in the United Kingdom .
8 Such benefits can to some extent compensate a widow for lack of access to occupational scheme benefits in her own right and for financial disadvantage arising from the traditional domestic division of labour .
9 If for Hegel historical time is the reflection in time of the essence of the historical totality , for Althusser it is a function of the structure of the totality arising from a particular mode of production .
10 A problem that besets all writers of the Highland scene is the confusion arising from the different spellings of many of the Gaelic place names , especially those of the mountains , where there is inconsistency even in the prefixes .
11 In a letter dated 19 November , the Lord Advocate said that in Scotland ’ Civil actions are raised in the Court of Session or Sheriff Court Mrs. would have to establish first of all that she does indeed have a right to raise an action arising from the unfortunate incident of which she has complained .
12 Similarly , a perception that the brain is involved in the outworking of mental processes does not mean that the mind arises from the physical brain .
13 ( 5.19 ) with respect to time gives the variation of rotor position with time : For a phase current the flux linked with phase A is simply the product of current and inductance : and the rate of change of flux linkages with time is : The first term in this expression is the voltage induced in the phase windings by the rotor motion and the second term arises from the changing current in the phase inductance — Substituting from Eqns — ( 5.17 ) and ( 5.20 ) gives the motional voltage in terms of the phase inductance : Since the phase current , is produced by a switched voltage supply it is non-sinusoidal and therefore , from Eqn .
14 Often the need for help arose from a specific pressure such as damaged or lost equipment or from a life event like moving house or the birth of a child .
15 Questions about Mr Major 's style and the way he was fighting the battle arose from the evident disarray in the Conservative campaign .
16 The unique features of Bruno 's universe arose from an original blend of several philosophical traditions .
17 If , over the years , the balance of probabilities has shifted so that balances previously included as creditors now seem unlikely ever to be paid , it would be appropriate for the balances in question to be removed from creditors , with the corresponding credit in either profit and loss account or , if the sums are material and the adjustment arises from a fundamental error , the profit and loss reserves in the balance sheet .
18 The charge arose from an alleged incident on October 11 last year in Witham .
19 That conclusion arose from a mathematical fact ( that operators did not commute ) , via rather abstract arguments involving the idea that the eigenstates of hermitean operators are the state vectors corresponding to the precise measurement of the observables the operators represent .
20 All this suspicion arose from the first nylon yarn that appeared on the market .
21 Early anxieties about the Russian campaign were soon dispelled by the growing confidence arising from the rapid and impressive successes of the Wehrmacht in the initial advances .
22 The hiatus after 1986 relates to a crisis arising from a large volume of issuance in relation to demand at excessively tight spreads , although it was triggered by concerns regarding regulation of banks ' issues ( see Davis , 1989 ) .
23 Two new forms of poverty arise from the bifurcated wage and occupational structure of the producer services sector ( businesses dealing in information ) and through the development of a semi-skilled or deskilled labour force in personal services such as restaurants , hotels and domestic service .
24 A surplus arising from the actuarial valuation of one of the UK funds , after taking account of improvements in benefits to members , is being spread forward over twenty years by reducing the regular annual contributions .
25 Thus , the danger arises from the unco-ordinated plans of individual governments towards their own national economies resulting , collectively , in the negation of EC trading objectives .
26 It was recognised in these cases that an indeterminate sentence could properly be passed in a case where dangerousness arose from a non-treatable personality disorder .
27 This second relationship arose from an ingenious cover-up to a less than wholly honest piece of political self-enrichment .
28 Companies may have power in setting the terms of the employment relationship arising from a possible asymmetry in bargaining position , but they also possess power within the relationship .
29 After death there are two sets of emotions to be handled , one concerning the mourning resulting from the loss of a loved one , and the other arising from the unconscious hostility felt towards the dead person , and therefore the unconscious pleasure about the death .
30 This breakdown above the tropopause arises from the greater infrared transparency of the atmosphere at such altitudes due to the lower atmospheric densities , and because the atmosphere there is appreciably heated by the direct absorption of solar radiation which tends to give an increase of temperature with height .
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