Example sentences of "[noun sg] relate to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is a demand for chartered accountants with corporate tax experience relating to the financial sector .
2 Held , allowing the appeal , that once an order was made under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 placing a child in the care of a local authority , responsibility for the care of the child was firmly with the local authority and the family proceedings court could not retain a power of review over the care order by including directions ; and that , accordingly , the direction relating to the continued involvement of the guardian ad litem would be deleted ( post , p. 812B , G ) .
3 Note also an error in the text relating to the last set of transactions which should relate to l months 8 to 12 , not 6 to 12 as shown in the text .
4 The DHSS has regional social work inspectors who help the department to relate to the local social services departments .
5 Incentive payments to staff in the form of a bonus relating to the whole firm or department are possible and where used should be made in respect of a known period of time or on completion of certain jobs .
6 Other 18th-century works purchased this year included Thomas Brewer 's A Journeman [ sic ] Shoemaker 's Letter to a Certain Right Honourable [ Edinburgh ? , 1757 ] , a rare broadside , apparently unrecorded , which complains about the quality of the leather used to make the shoes intended to equip the recently raised regiments of Highlanders destined for service in the British colonies in America ; and the Letter to a Member of Parliament , Concerning the Subject Matter of the Equivalent [ London , 1719 ? ] , an extremely rare pamphlet relating to the financial background to the Act of Union between Scotland and England .
7 On March 20 the Indian authorities rejected Pakistani government charges of human rights violations , claiming that they were based on a " terrorist disinformation campaign " ; the most dramatic allegation related to the mass rape on Feb. 23 of 30-60 women and girls when 800 troops of the 4th Rajput Rifles had sealed off the village of Kunan Poshpura .
8 In only one manuscript is the form of living related to the wider but familiar theological framework of the gift virtues .
9 The extra cash would fund research related to the new generation of satellites planned for later in the 1980s .
10 This study related to the statistical measurement of tourism as covered by surveys of visitors to tourist attractions , tourist destinations and at passenger termini .
11 These problems of prediction related to the definitional fallacy and the statistical fallacy are very evident in the Beckford Report , which was so critical of social workers ' lack of knowledge and use of predictive research .
12 The Department of Agricultural and Food Economics also has an active research programme related to the Chinese agricultural and food sector .
13 A particularly important element of his study relates to the indigenous population of the region , who have land rights .
14 In principle , therefore , it is different from direct investment : while the latter is associated with multi-national corporations ' overseas plants and enterprises , portfolio investment relates to the international borrowing , lending and investment of the City .
15 Hence , one obvious question is how does this pattern of wealth-holding relate to the overall level of investment and the rate of economic growth ?
16 A change related to the smaller number of candidates is perhaps the increase over 1973 in the number of candidates who were elected with a quota at Stage I , 25 against 17 .
17 In the vast majority of cases they will of course on the facts be a closed link between the nature of the trade effective between members of states and the competition that is restricted by the contested clause , this is because given that the restriction flows out in the agreement the later sets the context for former , accordingly as a simply matter of fact , restrictions of competition operating relating to the same market in which trade is affected between member of states , a restriction must be appraised in the context of the market , if the parties to the agreement or the high percent market share of the market , then a relatively minor restriction assumes greatest significance , on , firstly , if the parties hold a small share of the market then what appears obstensively be a serious restriction may turn out upon an assessment of facts to be minor or relatively insignificant , contrary to the submission of the plaintiff , the restriction of competition can be determined without a assessment of market , the court of first instance have recently held that the necessement of the market has necessary pre pre-conditioned of any judgement concerning the allegedly and competitive behaviour and your Lordship was taken to that paragraph page ninety two , just siting recently the and the present case the restrictions pleaded that paragraphs forty clements and the two twenty mason were for broadly to restrict the effects upon the insurance market , however the defendants have gone one step further and also identified other markets and sub markets in which the restrictions take immediate impact , this is logical for example in relation to the standard form agency agreement the restrictions have the most direct impact from the sub market to the provision of agencies services to names , competition is effected in this market since complete harmonization of secondary terms and trades are merely the criteria available to names when choosing an agent , however , the standard form contract also effects the wine and insurance market , the fact that the agent has unvetted powers to write any insurance which he sees fit affects the categories of insurance written within this is of course is the matter about which defendant makes complaint .
18 Undoubtedly , N C V O existing work relating to the European Community and the voluntary sector has become ever more important , year by year .
19 Since September 1989 , a new rear seat safety law has been in force , in addition to the existing law relating to the front sea .
20 It has led to changes in the law relating to the continued confinement of restricted mental patients ; the release of discretionary life sentence prisoners ; , and regulations on the marriage of prisoners , their correspondence , and access to lawyers .
21 In a joint report in 1987 , the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission proposed changes in the law relating to the implied terms .
22 The general qualities of those appointed as judges , chairmen or lay members of tribunals , are considered more important than a detailed knowledge of the law relating to the particular types of dispute likely to be considered by those persons .
23 Note that the law relating to the last of these excuses , concerning distance to school from home and transport arrangements , has been amended following the decision of the House of Lords in Rogers v Essex County Council ( 1986 ) .
24 In the next Journal I hope to deal with the correspondence relating to the great flood , which closed the Railway on the 13th & 14th May 1886 .
25 Mr Mellon also gave the university the archives of the Château Rochambeau , including numerous letters from Washington and Lafayette to the Comte du Rochambeau , and other correspondence relating to the American Revolution .
26 As it stands in Fredegar , the story is part of a complex literary construction which includes parallel tales of friendship and marriage relating to the Ostrogothic king Theodoric and to the emperor Justinian , as well as to Childeric .
27 The reason for the sale by Y to Z was that Z at the same time accepted a hire purchase proposal relating to the same car from M , a customer of Y's .
28 A marketing and promotional plan relating to the above
29 The first tactic related to the national co-ordination of policing strategy .
30 Those schools which were not satisfied were asked to give examples of the constraints which limited provision and , apart from time , those most commonly mentioned in the primary sector related to the low priority given to health education when compared with other developments , and to the lack of a specific school policy .
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