Example sentences of "[noun sg] refer to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 WOMEN factory workers fighting for equal pension rights had their case referred to the European Court of Justice yesterday .
2 Differentiation refers to the different relationships , departments and goals that exist within an organisation and integration is the degree of co-ordination and co-operation between different departments with inter-departmental tasks .
3 Differentiation refers to the positivist assumption that there is something ( preferably measurably ) different about criminals ; they may be seen as differing from non-criminals in terms of their biological or psychological make-up , or in terms of their values , again according to the academic origins of the criminologist concerned .
4 The last draft of the directive that was considered by the European Parliament refers to a normal minimum of eight hours ' work .
5 Moscovici 's defence refers to the destructive power of operational definitions to restrict intellectual advance .
6 Service ethos refers to the formal and informal social climate prevailing in a social service agency which influences the extent of use made by different groups of people .
7 Search literature refers to the best path as having the lowest cost .
8 Your writer refers to the recent agreement between BBC Enterprises and talent unions to allow release of BBC material featuring those union members , on the BBC Video label , for sale or rental to the public , for home use .
9 The description refers to the old buildings that were burnt down in 1834 ( see FIRE WHICH DESTROYED PARLIAMENT ) .
10 The last sentence refers to an earlier conversation between Green and Hickson in which the latter had claimed that the Cambridgeshire LEA would not be prepared to support the work of the District , whereas the Board had been offered a grant of £100 for 1931–32 and the prospect of increased grant-aid in subsequent years .
11 A technique refers to the mechanical or agronomic method applied , and in any one conservation project there may a considerable variety .
12 The Railway Staff Joint Council ( RSJC ) is organized , as at sectional council , according to occupational groups , with separate sections for footplate staff , other ‘ conciliation ’ grades ( the term refers to the manual grades included in the original machinery established in the 1920s ) , and salaried staff .
13 While closure refers to the relative degree of openness of different classes , reproduction refers to the economic and cultural resources that classes use to sustain themselves .
14 Convergence ( not to be confused with phyletic convergence ) refers to the degree of resemblance of faunas in different regions increasing from an earlier to a later period , and divergence refers to the reverse phenomenon ( Fig. 18. 3 ) .
15 The Oxford English Dictionary refers to the following gloss : ‘ a meaningless or even misleading phrase in English ’ .
16 The distinction we make between past , present , and future refer to the transitional nature of time .
17 Although the fundamental relation of entailment holds between propositions , we shall use the term to refer to an analogous relation between sentences .
18 I would prefer to retain the term to refer to the normal language behaviour of the user in pursuit of a communicative outcome rather than the language-like behaviour of the learner .
19 In an appointment as an expert , it is best practice to refer to the following :
20 The question refers to the Baltic states , not Albania .
21 The HP4 requirement refers to the additional land to be allocated to ensure an adequate supply and choice of land over the Structure Plan period 1984–96 .
22 One type refers to the geographical location ( both absolute and relative ) of spatial entities ( the points , lines and polygons considered earlier in Chapter 2 ) and the other data type refers to the properties or attributes of such spatial entities , for example the height of a point such as a hill top , the width of a road ( line ) or the area of a State ( polygon ) Table 7.1 ) .
23 The judge referred to a previous decision of his , In re H. ( Minor ) ( Abduction ) [ 1990 ] 2 F.L.R. 439 , but he said that that was to be distinguished because in that case there was in existence at the time of the removal an order of the court that the child should not be removed from the jurisdiction .
24 The left visual field would normally project to the hemisphere which is absent in this patient ; n above each bar refers to the total number of trials with that target .
25 Nevertheless , in principle the distinction is clear : where a pronoun refers to a linguistic expression ( or chunk of discourse ) itself , it is discourse-deictic ; where a pronoun refers to the same entity as a prior linguistic expression refers to , it is anaphoric .
26 Nevertheless , in principle the distinction is clear : where a pronoun refers to a linguistic expression ( or chunk of discourse ) itself , it is discourse-deictic ; where a pronoun refers to the same entity as a prior linguistic expression refers to , it is anaphoric .
27 Remember the curved arrow refers to the main carriage , so does the number 6 — knit six rows .
28 There have been reports from the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders and from the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux — the hon. Lady referred to the latter — but neither was convincing .
29 As we noted , anaphora concerns the use of ( usually ) a pronoun to refer to the same referent as some prior term , as in : ( 90 ) Harry 's a sweetheart ; he 's so considerate where Harry and he can be said to be co-referential , i.e. pick out the same referent .
30 At an extraordinary congress on Nov. 16-17 the opposition Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) voted overwhelmingly in favour of amending provisions of the Basic Law ( constitution ) on asylum to refer to the 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees , and in favour of allowing speedier consideration of asylum seekers ' applications and immediate deportation of those whose applications were rejected .
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