Example sentences of "[noun sg] accord to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , significant radiations will appear as marked increases , and extinctions as decreases of diversity , while the degree to which free migration is inhibited by geographic barriers , thereby promoting genetic isolation according to the classic model ( Mayr , 1963 ) , should be expressed by the ratio of endemic to pandemic organisms .
2 But that put him at a disadvantage according to the flatty rules Daine had strung himself with .
3 An additional input signal , the probe , detuned from the pump by , will thus experience gain or loss according to the combined effect of the nonlinearity and the mode structure of the cavity .
4 She develops a typology according to the different parts of speech , and her analyses reveal a marked preference for the verb metaphor .
5 ( b ) The duty of a criminal judge is not to determine the degree of moral responsibility of a delinquent but his material guilt or physical responsibility , and this once proven , to fix the form of social preservation best suited to the defendant according to the anthropological category to which he belongs .
6 Windfarms should not be allowed in the Peak District National Park according to a consultative document .
7 These generate income according to the comprehensive definition , but are not typically included in measured income .
8 The positive sense of the integration path is defined relative to the positive current direction according to the usual right-hand convention .
9 The environmental health officer , for his or her part , will almost always rate the noise according to a standard formula .
10 Since such a cultural repertoire is held only in the memory it is subject to constant change according to the new interests of the moment ‘ and whatever parts of it have ceased to be of contemporary relevance are likely to be eliminated by the process of forgetting ’ ( ibid. p. 30 ) .
11 This allows a court to adjust its decision according to the other party involved .
12 It noted that ‘ these duties so very necessary for the life of the Church can in many areas be fulfilled only with difficulty according to the prevailing discipline of the Latin Church ’ .
13 FAMILIES in receipt of state benefit are forced to go hungry because of lack of money according to a National Children 's Home survey just published .
14 It should only aim to record that which is necessary for accurate reporting of a pupil 's progress according to the agreed reporting format of the school as a whole .
15 This means that derivational arguments stand or fall by their plausibility according to the effective use of evidence ; advance in theory .
16 It may well have been rooted in a repressed homosexuality according to the psychoanalytic model .
17 His conclusion was that the field increased with depth and was related to the Earth 's core according to the inverse cube law .
18 He was supported by three well-known figures , L. B. Kamenev , A. Rykov , and P. G. Smidovich , who took a prominent part in the suppression of the Tambov revolt according to the Great Soviet Encyclopaedia .
19 To return to my Degas quote : many of the writers seem to be appropriating what they see as ‘ feminist tools of socio-political deconstruction ’ by examining details of Degas ' work according to a binary opposition of woman as object/man as Baudelairean flaneur .
20 The problem begins at a conceptual level with the initial division between master and slave as such , as if relations of power work according to the binary opposition of Hegel 's fight to the death between two individuals .
21 Where all the claimants are before the court under section 8 , then the relief granted is to be ‘ such as to avoid double liability of the wrongdoer , ’ which presumably means that the court is to apportion the damages representing the value of the chattel according to the respective interests of the claimants .
22 His vow of homage was not merely a promise to be true to the emperor and to serve him against his enemies , but a promise to live in obedience to God and His law according to the best of each man 's strength and understanding .
23 In the UK it will only be used under the law according to the 1967 Abortion Act , so no one will be able to get it over the counter at the chemist 's , nor will it be prescribed by GPs .
24 Social class may well be based on the occupation of the male head of the household according to a pre-determined scale , such as , in Britain , that of the Registrar general , or the Market Research Society .
25 Speaking before business , civic and other groups Reagan was an impressive performer according to the former newspaperman who organized his early GE tours .
26 GUIL : Wait a minute — we came from roughly south according to a rough map .
27 Three hundred and twenty-five works of art reported missing from Paris 's Musée Jacquemart-André in an inventory published in April 1991 by the Cour des Comptes the lofty body responsible for controlling public finance have not only been found , but never left the museum according to a second survey carried out by order of a Paris court .
28 In a message to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali the committee according to the Middle East News Agency on April 9 forwarded a message from Libya : the Libyan authorities would not object to the two men placing themselves at the disposal , via the Arab League , of the UN Secretary-General .
29 Subjects then received placebo or salmeterol 50 , 100 , or 200 µg by metered dose inhaler according to a randomised , crossover , double blind design ( by Latin square randomisation ) .
30 Mr Salmond has also sourly noted the welcome accorded to a similar deal for Wales by the Welsh media .
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