Example sentences of "[noun sg] cut [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One was a good deal cut up by the war , ’ she answered .
2 Stella the personnel administrator will not simply push paper around in Personnel but will take action to cut down on the bureaucracy .
3 I went into the garden where I made an H-shaped cut through to the nest with a spade .
4 ‘ It 's not right for politicians to offer a sanitised campaign cut off from the people they 're asking to elect them , ’ he said .
5 I feel that the PR team have their work cut out at the best of times without the likes of Mr. Wigmore and his cheap , sensationalist style of so-called journalism .
6 No wonder he had his work cut out on the bench .
7 And then Boy cut back to the man on the bed , who was saying ( actually it was a different man in a different room , Boy realised ; the sofa and the quilted nylon counterpane were in a different colour in this room , though the man sitting there looked just like the last one ) , the man was saying I like your shoes , please take off your shoes ; and Boy cut backwards and forwards between this man and the politician beginning to lose his self-control and saying I would just ask people to forgive me really and to forgive my wife as well .
8 It 's all part of a plan to cut down on the quantity of rubbish being taken to already overflowing landfill sites .
9 ‘ What 's he doing ? ’ she cried , agonized , as the picture cut back to the chairman .
10 Instead Ford has decided not to pass the Government 's tax cut on to the motorist but to pour it into its own pockets and profits .
11 Wet post cut up for the cook and it 's an anagram of wet post ?
12 The main themes that Bukharin pursued were : ( 1 ) the need to cut down on the excessive unproductive consumption of the state bureaucracy ; and ( 2 ) the need to draw the widest possible strata of the people into the planning process and into controlling the state .
13 It was tight above , with a pale pink " vee " for modesty in the front , and the back cut down to the coccyx , with another little " vee " there too .
14 There were rumours that a pied-billed grebe had settled on ‘ Little Sea ’ , a freshwater lagoon cut off from the coast by the gradual build-up of sand dunes .
15 ‘ I do n't care for the notion that Paul Gray had his head cut off in the Cathedral .
16 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
17 There were times when the ministry of her Son left her feeling cut out of the action , and she was amazed and perhaps frightened at what she had unleashed on the world .
18 She turned , arms flailing , head back , eyes open — but the gaping mouth would utter no more prophecies , her breath cut off by the red garrotte cord round her scrawny neck .
19 In Conspiration Nizan ironically refers to school life as a barrack-room existence cut off from the reality of the outside world .
20 When , at the end of the Second World War , France was liberated , those who had collaborated excessively with the Germans often had their hair cut off by the French Resistance .
21 In the attempt to win society 's approval by a cultured ministry that had both sweetness and light , would Nonconformity produce a ministry cut off from the faithful ?
22 The tomb chamber is a relatively small square chamber cut out of the living rock of the Gypsades hillside .
23 Round the bend ahead the road ran fairly straight , a narrow ledge cut out of the mountainside .
24 Having laid the foundations , you simply cover them with a layer of sand about 50mm deep , and level this off , using a straight-edge cut out at the ends to just under the depth of the bricks , say about 90mm .
25 A steep path cut down from the quarry edge to the meadow .
26 According to WWF team leader John McKinnon , the reserve is " like a lost world cut off from the rest of Indo-China " .
27 Thus , where a council was developing hostel accommodation to cut down on the use of bed-and-breakfast placements there was no provision within that hostel accommodation for disabled people .
28 Each one of them is in some way cut off from the rest of society : Hywel because he 's a miserable sod , Angharad because something went awfully wrong , and Beuno because he 's fallen in love with God . ’
29 Wide-eyed , Robbie backed away , but found her retreat cut off by the worktop .
30 As soon as they were over the bridge , a driveway cut off to the left and their way was barred by huge wrought-iron gates .
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