Example sentences of "[noun sg] belong to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not suggested that the money belongs to the former regime of Siad Barre , nor that it is the property of a government or governmental agency rather than state property belonging to the Republic .
2 But at least some of the meaning of blackbird belongs to the whole complex , and is not attributable to either black — or bird separately ; so , when black is replaced , this additional meaning is lost , along with ‘ black ’ .
3 The coin belongs to the Persian period , bears the inscription " Judaea " ( YHD ) , and shows a figure on a winged throne or on a chariot : this figure apparently confronts a Dionysiac mask ( B. Kanael , The Biblical Archaeologist 26 ( 1963 ) , 40 and fig. 2 ) .
4 The task of distributing aid belongs to the British Red Cross .
5 There is precedent for saying that a drunken belief that the car belongs to the accused when it did not does not give a s.12(6) defence : Gannon ( 1988 ) 87 Cr App R 254 .
6 ( 4 ) Rigby Electronics ( Harvard OTC ) " They 've just brought out a device for checking whether a credit card belongs to a particular person or not .
7 The M r approximately 36.5 K myelomonocytic L1 protein complex belongs to the S-100 protein family and may play a part in the regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation .
8 Despite popular mythology concerning ‘ evil ’ and vicious species that track down their victims ruthlessly and mercilessly , the reality is that no venom , no poison , no bite , no sting , is ever administered except under extreme provocation or simply by accident , unless the victim is either a potential prey or a rival belonging to the same species .
9 He said the car belonged to an elderly lady in Wokingham .
10 It is evident that the tourist whom railway companies , hotels and guide-books had in mind belonged to the comfortably-off middle classes .
11 At Cuddington , an adjacent manor belonging to the same lord , there were thirteen land assessments in 1522 compared with only two freeholders a generation later .
12 Nearly 300 kg of pure cocaine belonging to the Colombian Medellín cartel was seized in Madrid on Jan. 8 , 1990 , and 11 Colombians and one Venezuelan were arrested .
13 The track is the property of the C.A.D.M.R.S. , but the locos and rolling stock belong to the individual members .
14 The alternative version has it as a description of the style of the painting ( and it makes no difference here whether the recumbent posture belongs to the living sitter or to the image in the finished picture ) .
15 Pursuing the millenium The Arts Council 's new national plan belongs to a lost age of growth and experiment .
16 Why , again , are the planned towns scattered about the country in so haphazard a way , and so different in age and social type — Salisbury 's plan belongs to the thirteenth century ( Fig. 9 , p. 93 ) , Middlesbrough 's to the nineteenth .
17 Rage Against The Machine belongs to the latter category .
18 Restio 's father 's portrait belongs to a different tradition from that in vogue in the Hellenistic world ( contrast fig. 14 ; compare fig. 16 ) .
19 It is not necessarily the case that this will have happened , nor can it be assumed that the document in question belongs to a given domain at all ( it may be some sort of hybrid , or simply too ambiguous to fit neatly in one domain ) .
20 Madrid-based Sistelcom is a telecommunications consortium belonging to the Central Hispano Group , which was set up in 1991 to design and operate advanced telecommunications services within the framework marked out by the government 's liberalisation of the telecommunications market .
21 WARBIRDS , helicopters , inventories and equipment belonging to the late Harry Doan , killed whilst landing in his Douglas Skyraider at the Tico Airshow earlier this year ( FP June , p6 ) were to be auctioned by Starman Brothers on October 30–November 1 , at Doan 's Daytona Beach , Florida , facility .
22 Assuming that we know how the phonemes of a particular word would be realised when the word was pronounced in isolation , when we find a phoneme realised differently as a result of being near some other phoneme belonging to a neighbouring word we call this an instance of assimilation .
23 That legitimacy belonged to the spiritual jurisdiction could not really be contested by lay powers because no one could dispute the Church 's power over marriage .
24 Examples of a type belonging to a general class of the later sixth and seventh centuries on the Continent , with drop-handles and tripod rings , are known from the Kentish sites of Coombe , Gilton , Faversham , Sarre and Ash .
25 The friends of the Queen belong to a small coterie of aristocrats , the children are educated exclusively ( one of the reasons Gordonstoun seemed a good bet was because , unlike metropolitan Eton , it was miles away in rural Scotland ) , and all are limited to a narrow circle of suitable acquaintances .
26 These , for Moore , have little or no intrinsic value , and their investigation belongs to the practical branch of ethics concerned with which among possible actions will have the best consequences , rather than to the more fundamental enquiry into the nature of the intrinsically better and worse which it presupposes .
27 I 'm glad your article belongs to the former .
28 Maitre Binoche , the auctioneer , says the picture belongs to a Swedish collector who is also a collector of contemporary paintings .
29 If the shame belongs to the whole world , then why should one particular country — which had already accepted many Jewish refugees — be so frequently expected to bear it ?
30 The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the poor who have nothing to bring in with them .
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