Example sentences of "[noun sg] stand [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 One reason there is so little change in most traditional bureaucratic organizations , I argue , is that they have conditioned out of people the willingness to stand up for a new idea .
2 It will be intriguing to see how Brecht 's play stands up at a time when Communism is loosening its ideological hold .
3 Goodhart-Rendel writing from the viewpoint of having altered his first plate-glass windowed house , Idsworth ( 1848–52 ) , Hampshire , found his elevations conventional and even perfunctory and in our own time even Howard Colvin found that ‘ not a single building stands out as a masterpiece ’ .
4 Looping the loop and executing mid-flight victory rolls might be sensational on the coin-op , but without that gyroscopic cabinet thingie the effects are nowhere as impressive , and the thinness of the gameplay stands out like a Spectrum owner at a computer fair .
5 Closer than seemed possible , striking against an almost purple sky , we saw Kanchenjunga with a bright plume of snow standing out like a triumphal flag .
6 A solitary figure standing there in a trench coat under one of the street lamps ?
7 Through Santa Cruz and on towards San Francisco , whose sky-scraper-stacked skyline stands out as a silent rebuke to the Manhattanisation of the city , for which many residents blame ex-mayor and gubernatorial candidate Dianne Feinstein .
8 Rarely did any Tiller Girl stand out in a glamorous way but stunning was always the word used to describe Violet Bryant nicknamed Ginger because of her glorious red hair , she could not possibly blend in with the others .
9 One admires the results as one might standing back for a painted landscape , yet I miss the sensation of really ‘ being there ’ .
10 A double-barrelled twelve-gauge stood upright in a gun rack between the two front seats .
11 In the social history of twentieth-century Britain the Second World War stands out as a watershed ; the sheer scale and magnitude of the events that took place during those crucial six years seems to lend indisputable credibility to the view that modern wars are a major force behind progressive social change .
12 I think it 's rather an island in in the middle of the ermerm cultivated land so if you stand on top of the Ridgeway and look down you can see the Harwell site standing out as a a green treed area erm compared with the corn all round it .
13 William Darling stood there with a candle in his hand .
14 Lucker stands by with a lit cigarette , just in case it does n't work .
15 He 's far more likely to catch a chill standing about at a show or in the hunting field than after a bath , as long as you take the right precautions .
16 THE airpass holder who whinged to the Dallas check-in clerk that she had spent all day standing by for a flight out of one of America 's less attractive airports was gently chastised .
17 This might have seemed merely the occupational hazard of the self-indulgent restaurateur , but for a manic edge contributed by the tightly-curled crop of hair , the thin cigar drooping from his wide mouth and the garishness of a turquoise tie standing out against a black suit and matching shirt .
18 The tomb stands today as a telling memorial to the period .
19 Anabelle and Jeremy arrived to discover the dog standing proudly before a hole in the ground next to the wooden fence .
20 But I wished fervently that I had been able to do more , and as I passed my hand along the richly coloured coat over the ribs the vast bandaged finger stood out like a symbol of my helplessness .
21 The cook stood there like a shrivelled bootlace , tight-lipped , implacable , disapproving .
22 When this goon is at the point of his beat furthest away from our stretch of wire , the Wing Commander will give the signal to Clinker here — ’ a dark beetle-like man stood up for a moment and sat down again , ‘ — who will fuse the entire lighting system of the camp including the searchlights . ’
23 A man stood there in a dressing gown .
24 The blue stood off for a moment , and the judge called another handle .
25 C D trials give a good opportunity to see if the driving system stands up to a teacher who was not involved in the design of the unit and C DL and C D L trials separately show its effectiveness on first acquaintance and its effectiveness after the teacher is acclimatized to its use .
26 In a continent notorious for appalling prison conditions , where brutality and corruption are the norm , Nicaragua 's penal system stands out as a genuine effort to find a more humane yet affordable alternative .
27 It straddles the main road into Orange , but a large roundabout has been constructed for the arch to stand serenely in a wide circular grass plot in the centre of the pounding traffic .
28 Gust becos I cud not spel It did not mean I was daft When the boys in school red my riting Some of them laffed But now I am the dictater They have to rite like me Utherwise they can not pas Ther GCSE Some of the girls wer ok But those who laffed a lot Have al bean rownded up And have recintly bean shot The teecher who corrected my speling As not been shot at al But four the last fifteen howers As bean standing up against a wal He has to stand ther until he can spel Figgymisgrugifooniyn the rite way I think he will stand ther forever I just inventid it today
29 John made international strikers appear anonymous ; he constantly inspired his colleagues , drawing every ounce of energy and application from them ; his headed clearances saved us in scores of tight situations and his red hair stood out like a beacon .
30 By allowing unmediated access to a character 's mind the narrator constructs a close bond between reader and character based upon shared information and perspective , while at other times witholding the reader from that mind so that narrator and reader stand together in a position of judgemental distance .
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