Example sentences of "[noun sg] stand [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't imagine any of them having the nerve to stand up to Filmer and demand their money .
2 Other behavioural strategies included eating slowly in a room away from the kitchen , preparing all food thoroughly before starting to eat , rather than eating standing up during cooking .
3 He made a macabre figure standing there with wires up his nose and the whites of his uprolled eyes showing through his empty faceplate .
4 The army occupies an area of land the size of Torness turbine hall with each soldier standing stiffly to attention a few inches from his neighbours .
5 The veins in Jonadab 's neck stood out like whipcords , as he tried to control his voice .
6 Nana was small and scrawny , and the sinews in her neck stood out like guy-ropes above the demure white collar of her dark blue dress .
7 Stitch stood stolidly to attention .
8 Make a cylinder big enough for your child to stand in with comfort and cut out two eye holes .
9 She glanced at the girl standing eagerly in front of her .
10 It was pointed out to him — a small , plain , vaulted room with only a table for an altar and gaily-painted saints carved in wood standing about like skittles at a fair .
11 They watched the horses follow the tractor round the ever narrowing stand of corn in the centre of the field , and the tinkers who came to get work stood by with dogs and shot the rabbits that came surging out .
12 In the semi-darkness the houses around the village and the church in the centre of the green stood out like monuments with their shadows changing their shapes from time to time as a cloud obscured part of the moon .
13 The pub stood back in silence .
14 BELOW : Iron Mill stood immediately below Longfords , and was an iron works during the 17th century .
15 The government found itself derided for its failure to stand up for Serbia , assert Russian interests in the Straits — the focal point of nationalist aspiration — and face the confrontation between Slav and Teuton which was widely thought to be inevitable .
16 True grit … the council 's gritting team stands by for action
17 Mr Grosz was the only senior politician yesterday with the courage to stand up for Communism in front of a hostile audience .
18 Frankly , I do n't think he has the moral power or courage to stand up to Dublin and take Dublin on .
19 They were told , now was the time to find the courage to stand up to terrorists ,
20 Talb 's record stands out for attention , even if evidence of direct involvement in the PanAm bombing for the moment appears to be largely circumstantial .
21 Runner still stood motionless , eyes staring straight ahead , the blue veins in his bulbous red nose standing out like lines on a map .
22 It was a long speech , but only one point stood out in Sophie 's mind .
23 You get a whole class of thirty-five people sat round absolutely mucking about , chucking books , ripping up books , everything like that , and the teacher stood out in front of the classroom writing a load of work down on the blackboard you ca n't really work .
24 ( They disport themselves to accommodate the next piece of mime , which consists of the PLAYER himself exhibiting an excitable anguish ( choreographed , stylized ) leading to an impassioned scene with the QUEEN ( cf. " The Closet Scene " , Shakespeare Act III , scene iv ) and a very stylized reconstruction of a POLONIUS figure being stabbed behind the arras ( the murdered KING to stand in for POLONIUS ) while the PLAYER himself continues his breathless commentary for the benefit of ROS and GUIL . )
25 To compound the problems for the keeper standing back to Walsh is the fact that the ball swings and dips a lot after it pitches .
26 He was n't going to be as heavily built as his father , but was lithe and agile , and she loved to watch him going after gulls ' eggs out by Blackbottle Rocks , his long legs braced against the cliff face and the muscles in his neck and back standing out like cords as he heaved himself up over a ledge .
27 Then , he could soak in the vivid feeling of the song until the sweat stood out in gobbets on his forehead and his veins swelled in his neck like vines and Nunzia and Maria Filippa listening would wring their hands , invoking the protection of all the saints against that winged demon Fate flapping at his back .
28 Two bright spots of colour stood out on Meredith 's creamy cheeks .
29 Storry stands in for Mantle
30 Boys like this can be encouraged to pass urine standing up with mother holding the potty up to them .
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