Example sentences of "[noun sg] get [prep] the ground " in BNC.

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1 Everybody in ‘ our town ’ feels indignant about the insult to the respected old gentleman , and a proposal gets off the ground to give a subscription dinner in his honour ; but finally ‘ we ’ think better of it , ‘ perhaps realizing at last that a man had , after all , been pulled by the nose , so there really was n't any cause for a celebration . ’
2 ‘ I have a very important campaign to get off the ground . ’
3 He 'd forced a window to get into the ground floor maisonette in the Belmont area of Hereford .
4 Even more gripping than this documentary feature is Apted 's fictional movie based on the same incident , Thunderheart , a tight , concentrated political drama which the director got off the ground thanks to the backing of Robert De Niro .
5 You know , the difficulty of getting up to the flats , i you know I I suffered from arthritis , and er you know i it was quite a strenuous business to get from the ground up to our own flat .
6 If this new award gets off the ground , it will replace the current British Quality Association Awards which was won by Chemical Products Billingham in 1989 and for which ‘ Melinar ’ at Wilton received a commendation in 1991 .
8 Paris was first and despite a struggle to get off the ground , the company now has three operations bringing in some £200,000 a week .
9 AN Anglo-Russian company got off the ground yesterday to run production and sales of a Rolls-Royce-powered Tupolev airliner .
10 Partner John Winram says his business will also act as a co-ordinator if the venture gets off the ground .
11 This is because such schemes are taking a long time to get off the ground and because employers generally recruit from non-local networks ( see also Ladbury and Mira-Smith in this volume ) .
12 ‘ Since the INCUBUS investigation looks like taking some time to get off the ground I can at least devote my attention to this new one . ’
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