Example sentences of "[noun sg] we do not need " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , on the Lazarsfeldian conception we do not need to know what class really is .
2 As we had already linked Imlil-Toubkal with the Nfis we did n't need to repeat that half to complete our explorations .
3 Apart from the odd er fact and most of research we do n't need
4 As we have said , in practice we do not need to write down M1 etc .
5 In truth we do not need the stories of Achan and Ai to show us the mind of the God of this part of the Genesis — Kings narrative .
6 Well up in Scotland of course we do n't need to save our rain water we get plenty of it coming from the unclear , but er one thing I would say would be that erm if we have a warm spell and the sun is beating on a bitumen roof and then of course suddenly a shower and that er goes into the water bucket or water barrel then it does give you maybe you know a few problems .
7 In problem 2 , we want , and in addition we do n't need , since this is included in problem 1 .
8 within one big area i i if you can and I think shutting things , I think putting trellising up to , not trellising but that sort of thing , to a certain extent at the minute we do n't need and I think I 'll have to come a time er too when it 's open as well to get
9 Since the object of the session in the first place was to play a part in helping the patient to deal successfully with a problem which has been troubling him , provided the session fulfils that role we do not need to worry unduly about whether it was a real regression experience or not ( although , as I have already stated , I feel quite strongly that the majority of cases are indeed genuine ) .
10 We do n't need the monarchy we do n't need a republic either , maybe these are the pro-dictatorship people that we 're all so worried about !
11 The fundamental one in an investigation of this kind is that we do not need to accept any prior assumption about how society at large is organized or structured , and so in our interpretation we do not need to import any presuppositions from theories of social class and social structure or taxonomies of class or status , which may of course be controversial .
12 We supply contract officers to many Third World banks , and a scandal we do not need .
13 ‘ One thing we do n't need in this subcontinent , ’ Professor Rokeya Kabeer observed , ‘ is spiritual guidance — we have gurus a dime a dozen . ’
14 Only thing we do n't need is 'possums .
15 ‘ Applying to ABTA would involve hefty costs , as cover would offer us a lot we did n't need , and the British Hospitality Association 's bonding arrangements were not in place before the April 1 deadline .
16 Now this time we do n't need to change them into twelfths could you add that 's a half add a sixth ?
17 No good for rummaging around in gorse bushes , of course , but Paris and Milan have recognized that for today 's centrally heated lifestyle we do n't need tweed as thick as carpet underlay .
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