Example sentences of "[noun sg] from [noun sg] to side " in BNC.

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1 The sequence of modern physiotherapy treatment normally follows a pattern : the patient has to recover his ability to balance first and foremost ; then he has to recover his ability to transfer his weight from side to side ; standing balance is the next stage , accompanied by the ability to sit down from standing up , and to stand up from sitting ; selective movements using the affected arm and leg come next ; then he learns to make steps , followed by walking ; function in the upper limb ( arm ) and controlling it in order to make selective movements against gravity happens at a late stage ; the final rehabilitation task is to regain functional , detailed movements in the affected hand and foot .
2 Gav stood by the hall table , shifting his weight from side to side and glancing nervously down at the phone now and again .
3 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
4 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
5 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
6 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
7 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
8 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
9 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
10 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
11 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
12 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
13 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
14 Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side .
15 Claire Cannon , prosecuting , said Piper was seen driving his vehicle from side to side on the A12 at 11.30 pm on April 21 .
16 Unseen , at the buffers of the actually stationary and chocked vehicle , gangs of ELR volunteers rocked the coach from side to side on its springs , to simulate rapid motion .
17 He looks quickly in his mirror , and sees the head of the man in the car behind move from side to side with sardonic patience .
18 The weaving horse not only swings its head and neck , but also the front end of its body from side to side .
19 Leanne : ( Swinging body from side to side ) It moves with me , look .
20 ‘ Lonely This Christmas ’ by Mud was playing of the radio and I was swinging my body from side to side in time to the music in order to pass the time .
21 Spoon chocolate into two clean , dry moulds and tip each mould from side to side to form an even coating .
22 While running up the centre the dancer waggles her abdomen from side to side .
23 Muscle cramps can be relieved , and the animal 's sense of balance restored , by rocking a stranded dolphin or whale from side to side as the tide comes in , just before its refloating .
24 He pulled on his trousers and went quickly over to turn up the music , moving his head from side to side in time to the beat .
25 The German stopped moving his head from side to side and looked at me .
26 He had started moaning again and moving his head from side to side .
27 She was still shaking her head from side to side and laughing softly when she shooed him from the kitchen and returned her attention to her magazine .
28 For the first time he stopped grinning , and , resting his elbows on his knees and his head on his hands , began to shake his head from side to side .
29 Julie stood on the sea wall and moved her head from side to side allowing the fresh wind from the estuary to blow through her hair .
30 Instead , Anna 's limbs suddenly began to jerk alarmingly and for several seconds she thrashed her head from side to side until tiny bubbles of foam appeared on her lips .
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