Example sentences of "[noun sg] do not come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The boat did n't come at any scheduled time .
2 Here D 's revocation did not come to the notice of the offeree , so the offeree 's acceptance of the offer was valid , and D is liable on the contract . ’
3 Spemann and Mangold 's discovery of the organizer did not come as a surprise to Spemann , nor did it involve any element of luck .
4 ‘ The car did n't come to the house . ’
5 A consistent theory of how gravity affects light did not come until 1915 , when Einstein formulated the general theory of relativity .
6 ‘ One had a certain amount of training ; one knew it was coming and so in a way , fear did n't come into it very much .
7 Well , regarding this business of Buffy and the apple , you know — the pig does n't come into it until the end .
8 Strictly speaking the extreme ultraviolet light does not come from a laser , but it does retain the coherence of the original .
9 Concentration does not come from an effort of will ; it does come from an interest in your subject .
10 When aid does not come to the rescue
11 That bloke did n't come on Saturday , he come on Friday did n't he ?
12 When poor Col. Griffin was laughed at for suggesting that Baptists establish a University in England , the laughter did not come from the descendants of Matthew Arnold who saw them as psalm-singing greengrocers , but from his fellow Baptists .
13 Obligatory use of Annual Percentage Rate was introduced in 1980 , but the main regulations issued under the Act did not come into force until May 1985 .
14 You may cut a fine figure — ’ with an approving glance cast up and down his great-nephew 's fashionably tight-fitting blue coat over buckskins and top-boots ‘ — but an expensive young profligate is what you are , Dacre , and if this inheritance do n't come as a windfall you may call me a dunderhead ! ’
15 The main resistance to the Parents ' Rights Group campaign did not come from the council , where the Labour group effectively factionalized themselves — and their Public Relations Department — into silence .
16 Apart from some early designs for greetings cards , the animal theme in Boyd 's work did n't come to the fore until Macmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book to accompany Spike Milligan 's verse .
17 Apart from some early designs for greetings cards , the animal theme in Boyd 's work did n't come to the fore until Macmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book to accompany Spike Milligan 's verse .
18 ( And believe me , with my parentage I know whereof I speak , except in my mother 's case marriage did n't come into it .
19 The creditors ' committee does not come into being until the trustee has issued a certificate of its due constitution ( r 6.151 ) and his certificate must not be issued until he has received the written consent to act from three members of the committee ( r6.151(3A) ) .
20 Generally , infertility does not come as a sudden cut-off point ; rather it declines gradually , and when it is observed we have to look for the cause in the interdependence breakdown , and not just regard it as a shortage of one or other nutrients .
21 Like a character in one of those horror movies he once intoned : ‘ Peace does not come from weakness .
22 Can I suggest to him , in relation to this issue , that patriotism does n't come into it — except in one sense .
23 Well you see erm I mean when , when Gordon and I got married er , my sister 's husband did n't come to the wedding until later on did he Gordon ?
24 He concluded that satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the job do not come from the presence or absence of one set of factors .
25 The right moment did not come until the following summer when most of the Weatherbury people attended the great sheep fair at Greenhill .
26 If the initiative did not come from their mother it is hard to see either Richard , at fifteen , or Geoffrey , at fourteen , being persuaded to rebel by a man behind the scenes .
27 Michael Holly did n't come to you , you recruited him .
28 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
29 But for many workers the move did n't come as a surprise .
30 I said that greed did n't come into it .
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