Example sentences of "[noun sg] do [adv] make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As for the Giggs/Kelly incident at the beginning of the game it looked like a perfectly fair challenge after all it 's not as if Girly Pallyster does n't make contact with the person he 's marking ( and that 's in both senses of the word marking ) .
2 As for the Giggs/Kelly incident at the beginning of the game it looked like a perfectly fair challenge after all it 's not as if Girly Pallyster does n't make contact with the person he 's marking ( and that 's in both senses of the word marking ) .
3 Diners Club claims its customers ' average transactions are higher than those of other charge cards , but this is difficult to substantiate as Diners Club does not make figures available .
4 Richard Morris , Director for the Council for British Archaeology , welcomes the proposals : ‘ In archaeological terms the emphasis on gold and silver does not make sense as archaeologists are just as interested in leather and wood ’ .
5 Corporate management did not make councils more managerial .
6 The County Council also accepted as part of this oral approach that there was a need for an alteration to the structure plan , because the approved structure plan did not make provision for a new settlement as an element of approved North Yorkshire strategic policy , and we 've progressed that erm alteration through to the examination er in public er today .
7 Although the Act does not make reference to the current climate of opinion about sexual explicitness , juries in obscenity trials are enjoined to keep in mind the current standards of ordinary decent people .
8 The town council does not make laws , it only administers them .
9 To all the idiots who wrote almost identical letters claiming that the mere adoption of the Union flag does n't make Morrissey a racist — of course it does n't , nobody ever said it did .
10 ‘ A whole lot in this mess does n't make sense , ’ said Odell .
11 However , there are number of players who because their mini-rugby team did n't make Finals Day , would have slipped through the net , and they are asked to contact officials with the prospect of playing in a special mini-rugby game between two ‘ select ’ teams .
12 Where broad discretionary powers have been conferred upon public authorities the courts take it upon themselves to review the exercise of those powers to ensure that the body does not make decisions which are so unreasonable that no reasonable body could have come to such a decision ; to ensure that the decision-makers are not biased and that decisions are not made mala fide or for any improper purpose .
13 He left with reluctance ; but his departure did not make conversation any easier .
14 Thyssen does n't make steel .
15 To take you , a married woman and mother , away from your child when you have grieved so sorely for the other does not make sense .
16 The compound did not make animals sleep and very large doses could be given without causing death .
17 The rest of the statement of claim does not make matters much clearer .
18 In theory evacuation turned the child population over to the State — although , in practice , however much the TES called for it , government did not make evacuation compulsory .
19 The idea does not reap the success it deserves , however , since among other things Wulstan does not make allowance for the fact that even within the corpus of vocal music the performing medium was not uniform .
20 " Going to church does n't make people any better — just look at Mrs X down the road .
21 This world-class violinist does not make recordings ; he prefers to bring his music direct to the listener : ‘ One more recording of Beethoven 's Violin Sonatas is not going to change anybody .
22 Those who claimed a break-even or loss situation did not make allowance for home produced food .
23 Such a destiny does not make life easier but rather " it is a very heavy cross to bear " .
24 If a thing does not make sense — and the rating system makes no sense whatever — the right thing to do is to abolish it . ’
25 ‘ There 's one thing does n't make sense to me .
26 Training does not make cash as extra-contractual referrals do , but it is an investment in Britain 's health .
27 But how can you have a good time when you keep being reminded about ‘ the gulf between people who have stuff and the people who have shit ’ , or that ‘ the world does n't make sense [ to me ] any more ’ ?
28 Harvey said , ‘ The sooner you get it through your head that this organization does n't make slip-ups the sooner you can relax and stop bugging me . ’
29 This , as we have seen , explains the impossibility of the infinitive in * To snow would be pleasant as against its possible use in I want it to snow : if the generalized person of the infinitive of weather verbs is not specified as referring to the only support with which the notion denoted by these verbs is conceivable , namely it , then one feels a possible reference to any of the ordinal persons which can be referred to by the infinitive 's generalized person ( " you " , " me " , etc. ) , and so the sentence does not make sense .
30 The European Communities ' research policy is just one illustration that such a doctrine does not make sense .
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