Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [verb] responsibility for " in BNC.

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1 British Rail has accepted responsibility for the accident and will be starting its own internal inquiry tomorrow .
2 Accepted this indicates whether the Current holder has accepted responsibility for the SPR ( Y ) or not ( N ) .
3 The last user to whom an SPR is passed is regarded as its current holder whether or not this user has accepted responsibility for it .
4 Current holder the LIFESPAN user name of the person to whom the SPR was most recently passed , whether that user has accepted responsibility for it or not .
5 The Notts & Derbyshire branch has taken responsibility for publishing the region 's CPD Newsletter .
6 A large number of problems has been encountered , one of the most surprising being the fact that no UK Government department had taken responsibility for enforcing the EEC controls on the sale of protected wildlife specimens .
7 The UFF has claimed responsibility for the killing early today of father-of-six Michael Edwards , at his Finaghy home , while an IRA van bomb devastated the centre of Armagh .
8 Management have to take responsibility for over ninety five percent of the problems we get , whether they 're safety problems , quality problems or whatever problems .
9 No group had claimed responsibility for the kidnappings but a statement issued by the Palestinian Revolutionary Factions ( PRF , a group believed to have links with the radical Fatah Revolutionary Council or " Fatah rebels " ) on Aug. 7 claimed that Christen and Erriquez would be released within 24 hours .
10 No organisation has admitted responsibility for the killing .
11 Implementation of the Initiative University-wide lies with four groups : the Energy and Environment Group co-ordinates good institutional practice , including compliance with the relevant legislation ; the Environmental Teaching Group promotes teaching and curriculum development ; the Environmental Research Group promotes environmental research activity throughout the University ; and the Environmental Advisory Group , made up of the convenors of the other three groups and Senior Vice-Principal Barrie Wilson , to whom the Principal has delegated responsibility for the Initiative , oversees the entire project .
12 The corporation had assumed responsibility for the site in 1945 and had purchased the land in 1957 , although technically it was in the rural district area .
13 The signatories of the Charter have accepted responsibility for maintaining the good code of practice and also agree to disseminate the document through their organisations , encouraging their managers to actively participate .
14 The federal government has assumed responsibility for Columbia 's debts after the company went bankrupt , and California is now negotiating to pay off some of the monies owed by Maxxam in return for taking over the forest .
15 Society has accepted responsibility for seeing that their needs are met in a piecemeal fashion , tackling the most obvious needs first — those for financial provision , medical care and residential accommodation .
16 The Irish National Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for the shooting .
17 Local authorities had a duty to assess those judged to be ‘ at risk ’ or ‘ vulnerable ’ and the state had to take responsibility for the supervision of care .
18 The MPs said the bank had to accept responsibility for its failure as BCCI 's supervisor , which had been demonstrated so clearly in the report by Sir Thomas Bingham , a High Court judge .
19 A number have had responsibility for the operation of parts of the system of criminal justice , including former Home Office Ministers , retired senior civil servants and police officers , and chairmen of the Parole Board .
20 ‘ In the past no one individual has had responsibility for training , but in an effort to formalise and develop staff training a working party has just been set up ( to be chaired by the Branch Development Officer ) to organise and develop staff training at all levels ’ .
21 There are good reasons for distinguishing it both from the level of the meanings of expressions , as will become apparent later in the text ( see in particular Chapter 6 ) , and from whatever more general non-linguistic level of mental activity has to take responsibility for human perception of external phenomena ; a sufficient reason is that speakers of the language are well aware that they can seek to identify one and the same entity or property by using the meanings of various different expressions : Examples like ( 22 ) are familiarly put forward as showing the distinction between meaning and reference ; they may serve that purpose but that is quite a different matter .
22 The rail link between Djibouti and Addis Ababa via Dire Dawa was suspended from Oct. 4 as clashes continued between EPRDF forces and Issa groups which since the late 19th century had had responsibility for security along the line .
23 The unit had claimed responsibility for the assassination of over 300 troops , policemen and government officials since 1984 .
24 In addition , one partner had taken responsibility for overseeing the whole process .
25 There was no 1940 general election and by 1945 the voters remembered both that the Labour Party had shared responsibility for winning the war and that it had opposed the Conservative policies which led to the war .
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