Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [adv] far [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hitachi was one of six Japanese companies invited to invest in Kaleida ( CI No 1,931 ) , and of the other five , only Toshiba Corp has so far stuck its head above the parapet with an agreement with Apple to license Kaleida technology and use it in jointly developed products ; others invited to join were Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , Sharp Corp , Sony Corp and NEC Corp .
2 Ludwig is also the Emperor 's bodyguard and his mere presence has so far proven enough to discourage any attempts on the Emperor 's life .
3 All the same , the insurer has so far agreed to pay £8 million in compensation to investors , a significant pile of money even for a major company , and a nasty hit to take for one slip in its monitoring system .
4 The Left Coalition has so far ruled out linking up with the conservatives again — the improbable alliance of last June has been blamed for much of their drop in support — but has already hinted that it would be willing to support a national unity government as proposed by the New Democrat leader Mr Constantine Mitsotakis .
5 The Advanced Courses Development Programme has so far involved two phases of pilot courses , each phase having represented a stage in the progression from the current Advanced Courses system to a system based on the principles in the Policy Paper .
6 They can calculate all too clearly that the average value of sterling has fallen 17.5 per cent , ( and over 25 per cent against the dollar ) since September , and the price of fuel and raw materials for industry has so far risen by just over 10 per cent , while retail prices have actually fallen .
7 But a bungled , unlawful business deal has so far cost them £5.3m and led to the sacking of all the BRDC 's 12 directors .
8 An appeal fund set up after the tragedy has so far raised £149,664 in memory of James .
9 This chapter has so far focused mainly upon south Korea and on the American-Soviet deliberations upon producing a unified administration .
10 Although this review has so far concentrated on those findings which reveal most clearly opposite visual hemifield superiorities for verbal and non-verbal ( especially visuo-spatial ) stimuli it is impossible for one familiar with work in this field not to be struck by the lability of the laterality effects reported ( Cohen , 1982 ) .
11 The club has so far played two games and is undefeated .
12 Assad did not want the civil war to continue , for if Lebanon suffered any more wounds some of its blood might seep into Syria , through those narrow grey wadis in the anti-Lebanon mountain range and down into the plateau beyond , perhaps even infecting Damascus , whose carefully balanced but Alawite-controlled metabolism had so far remained untouched by the epidemic on the other side of the border .
13 For Marx , the growth of industry promised wealth and abundance for all , but because industry had so far developed in a capitalistic way , the new-found wealth was monopolised by one class , while the mass of the working people were made poorer , not richer , by the advances in production .
14 Only the chemicals and pharmaceutical industry have so far shown any signs of responding to the competitive advantage created by the devaluation of sterling last September .
15 And pleas from his predecessor for 50 more officers to fight crime have so far gone unanswered by the Home Office .
16 Disappointingly , the committee has so far felt able to recommend only a tiny step towards establishing acceptable levels of medical staffing in the NHS .
17 Dainty 's work has so far concentrated on using the technique to grow silicon nitride on silicon , with the hope of a later move to III/V substrates .
18 Work has so far concentrated on the east end .
19 Little work has so far focused on plant pathogens , but it is likely that this will ultimately develop as another component of integrated pest-management strategies .
20 Although the Peace Tax Campaign has so far eschewed the use of extra-constitutional forms of dissent , confining itself for the most part to orthodox expressions of protest such as parliamentary lobbying and legal action in the courts , the failure of conventional forms of political protest to influence the prevailing defence strategy/taxation policy could have important implications regarding the future choice of tactics to be used .
21 This is more than a million million million times as long as the universe has so far existed .
22 2 In support and sponsorship of Durham County Cricket Club , which is all very well but does n't get the groceries in , the County Council has so far spent £145,000 .
23 Reports said that while US preference for a higher ceiling of between 40 per cent and 50 per cent [ see p. 38211 ] had been favoured by Kuwait , none of the other members of the Security Council had so far expressed public support .
24 Although the council had so far managed to hold a balance , its ability to do so once the king was crowned was more doubtful .
25 Although the council had so far managed to hold a balance , its ability to do so once the king was crowned was more doubtful .
26 Yet several weeks into the scandal , the New Yorker complained that the mess had so far mocked all attempts to baptize it .
27 Most experiments of this type have so far concentrated on investigating timber buildings with posts set in postholes , because these are usually the most difficult structures to interpret during excavation .
28 Economic reform has so far meant that Poles can gaze in wonderment at now well-stocked meat stalls they have no money to buy from .
29 She is launching herself into Europe with at least as much conviction as any other British businessperson has so far shown .
30 The role of general practitioners in the assessment of deliberate self-poisoning has so far received very little attention .
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