Example sentences of "[noun sg] and ask [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some journals give clear feedback and ask for a list of changes if the paper is resubmitted , but this is not true of all .
2 So , you know , we 're always there , Carol and I will actually help you , if you 'd like to pop into the salon and ask about the gift vouchers .
3 ( d ) Agent 's fees Immediately contracts are exchanged on behalf of a seller , telephone the estate agent and ask for an account .
4 And Paul de Levantiére would sigh , turn with a resigned expression to his fitter and ask for the next outfit to be tried on .
5 If for some reason you are not contacted , telephone the suppliers in the directory in this issue and ask for a catalogue .
6 Otherwise you should contact your local council and ask for a claim form for community charge benefit .
7 The governors , a charity , have incurred substantial costs in fighting this case and ask for an order that their costs both in the Court of Appeal and in this House be paid out of the Legal Aid Fund .
8 At the same time , speak to your GP and ask about the sort of operation you had and the possibilities of reversal .
9 Anyone who is caring for an elderly mother or father would be well advised to visit the local office of the Department of Health and Social Security and ask for a complete set of leaflets on this subject which will explain what financial help is available , apart from the State Retirement Pension , both for their parent and for themselves .
10 I carry on munching through my toast , and since there 's no point carrying the last dregs of marmalade to wherever it is we 're going , I scrape an inch-thick layer out of the jar and ask through a mouthful of carbon where the landlord lives .
11 ‘ If they want to go through the correct procedure and ask for a transfer , then so be it . ’
12 For further information , telephone or fax Yesterday 's World Group Booking Office or phone Hastings Central Group Booking Service and ask for the Groups and Schools Visits brochure .
13 If you are not sure where to look , go to your local reference library and ask for a copy of BRAD ( British Rate and Data ) , which lists every publication and its advertising rates .
14 You can write to the Establishment Officer of the department of your choice and ask for an interview in expectation of the next vacancy .
15 So , for example , if you go to a supplier and ask for a machine to run Windows quickly , and you end up with an elderly 8086 PC , you 'll be entirely within your rights to ask for your money back .
16 Call us anytime and ask about a ‘ Further Advance ’ .
17 We now turn to RHS parametrisation and ask for the optimal solution as θ varies when the RHSs of the constraints of P1 are 5 , 9 + θ and 3 .
18 Daddy wanted that farm very badly but they did n't have much money between them , so he had to go to the bank and ask for a loan .
19 You could go to the bank and ask for a loan .
20 If you ca n't go abroad yet , just go into your local JobCentre and ask for a computer search of overseas vacancies .
21 If they have to turn to their neighbour and ask for a repetition of what you just said , the resulting muttering will also prevent other members of the audience from hearing what you say next .
22 The Major would call at Dollingston School and ask for the two biggest boys in class .
23 Walk into any branch of The Body Shop around the country and ask for a make-over and you 'll get one completely free of charge .
24 To find out more , telephone 01– and ask for a copy of our 1989 Report and Accounts or send the coupon below :
25 Make sure you hire from an HAE member and ask for a demonstration .
26 It is unlikely I shall be able to attend , but I thought I would register my interest and ask for a copy of the conference report if it does n't cost too much .
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