Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [art] parents ['s] " in BNC.

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1 The incest taboo lost its firm ground with the lifting of the parents ' repression and is now only half-heartedly observed .
2 He offered Helen Martini , as Chairman of the Parents ' Action Committee , whatever help he could in the campaign to get the children home , and to ensure that a full judicial inquiry was held .
3 Mother , in other words , is thought to be always the same mother , parental influences are regarded as invariable throughout childhood , and an assessment of the parents ' psychological characteristics at one point is thought sufficient to typecast them for good .
4 Part of the parents ' case had rested on the following argument : within the school which the child attended a decision had been taken to include her in a remedial class ; thus , the special educational provision that should be made for her had already been determined ; so a statement ( under section 7(1) of the Act ) should follow .
5 The departure of a ‘ special ’ child may be particularly problematic because he or she may have invoked part of the parents ' own history , or because the child performed a vital role in the family such as ‘ go-between ’ or communicator .
6 The playgroup leader will usually offer her observations as part of the parents ' contribution to the Statement .
7 One drop of Methylene Blue to each pint of jar water helps to prevent fungus attacking the eggs or fry , and strong aeration keeps them clean and healthy , simulating the fanning of the parents ' fins .
8 If I am correct — and the statement is also seen in some measure as a form of protection of the parents ' and child 's rights in this matter — it is surely anomalous that this statement appears largely to have become a passport to special schooling .
9 He became the first editor of the Parents ' Association Newsletter , a valuable complement to the School Magazine .
10 A useful example is the erection in a prominent place of a parents ' notice board where details of sales , wants , baby sitters , child minders , community activities , thank you letters , etc are displayed .
11 In many cases this is quite unlike the vernacular of the parents ' country or countries .
12 The fees for sending a child to school can come to a quarter of the parents ' cash income .
13 Or , as is much more likely to be the truth of the matter , evidence of the parents ' fear that they might be depriving the child of some advantage if the ritual is omitted .
14 It was , sadly , to be the first and last major impact of the parents ' movement during the initial phase of responses .
15 Her parents were prominent local business people ; her mother was chairperson of the Parents ' Association .
16 The video would show activities undertaken during a typical school day , including lunch times and break times , the routines for meeting children at the end of the day , introduce the staff and the chair of governors and the chair of the parents ' association .
17 The House of Lords decisively rejected Mrs. Gillick 's contentions and held that at common law a child of sufficient intelligence and understanding ( the ‘ Gillick competent ’ child ) could consent to treatment , notwithstanding the absence of the parents ' consent and even an express prohibition by the parents .
18 Other forms of mental handicap may be attributed to genetic factors , where the fusion of the parents ' genes creates an irregularity in the chromosomal mix .
19 The gist of the parents ' complaints is that children were allowed too much freedom and that there was too little formal instruction in the three Rs .
20 When we talk about paradoxical conflict , we can expect the conflict at the margins we , in other , if we made er , if we made er kind of diagram of the parents ' self interest in providing parental investment and the offspring 's self interest in demanding parental investment , we find that there are large areas of overlap .
21 The simplifications begin with the assumption that " Creole " is the language of the parents ' generation .
22 Butler and Stokes write , " Partisanship over the individual 's lifetime has some of the quality of a photographic reproduction that deteriorates with time : it is a fairly sharp copy of the parents ' original at the beginning of political awareness , but over the years it becomes somewhat blurred , although remaining easily recognizable . "
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