Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [to-vb] the effect " in BNC.

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1 The aim of this study is to elucidate the effect of endothelin-1 on the tissue type plasminogen activator activation followed by mucosal damage in the rat stomach .
2 The original intention behind the research was to measure the effect on the individual worker of variations in the work conditions .
3 The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of TGF α on the growth of hamster ductal exocrine pancreatic cancer cells in vivo .
4 The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of metronidazole on NSAID enteropathy in man .
5 The aim of this study was to assess the effect of oral supplementation with vitamin C , vitamin E , or Β -carotene on colonic crypt cell proliferation of patients with adenomatous polyps .
6 It seems logical therefore that to evoke " making " ( i.e. producing an effect ) from the point of view of the patient acted upon rather than from that of the agent acting is to evoke the effect produced on the patient rather than the producing of the effect on the latter by the agent .
7 But such matters are relative : the major currencies outside the EMS have been characterized by a high degree of exchange rate volatility , and the proper comparison is to consider the effect on intra-community exchange rates without the operation of the EMS .
8 The object was to examine the effect of view angle on discrimination between the two subjects at two angles of ( solar ) illumination .
9 The object was to study the effect of small changes in the exposure , illumination etc .
10 Their main objective is to study the effect of prescriptive ideologies on listeners ' attitudes to the alternating variants .
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