Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] carry [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The manager of each package to be updated is checked to determine whether the specified user may carry out the changes .
2 Then , by way of habit , if you leave the dog alone it will continue barking , and this noise may carry over a considerable distance .
3 Three conditions must be satisfied before a charge to tax can arise under section 14 : ( 1 ) the taxpayer must carry on a trade , profession or business in Hong Kong ; ( 2 ) the profits to be charged must be ‘ from such trade , profession or business , ’ which their Lordships construe to mean from the trade , profession or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong ; ( 3 ) the profits must be ‘ profits arising in or derived from ’ Hong Kong .
4 This year the winner should carry off a cheque for … £3000 .
5 The leaflet explains how the Revenue would carry out an investigation in its local tax offices , detailing provisions regarding such matters as confidentiality and professional representation .
6 This research will carry out the first national random sample of Labour Party members .
7 In France , the princess will carry out a variety of visits which will cover her interests , the disabled , Aids , cancer victims and a visit to the Royal Academy of Music as well as a dinner with France 's President Mitterrand and his wife .
8 These are terms that : the supplier acting in the course of a business will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill ( section 13 ) and within a reasonable time ( section 14 ) ; and that the customer will pay a reasonable charge ( section 15 ) .
9 An amendment to the MMPA in November 1988 created the requirement that : ‘ During the 1989 and subsequent fishing seasons , each certificated vessel shall carry on every fishing trip an official observer . ’
10 ‘ This first phase of our Skerneside Revival will carry on the very important initiative of the Railside Revival . ’
11 A delegation travelled to Lisbon to present their case ; FLEC-Renewal president José Tiburcio Luemba called on Portugal to revise the agreements which had brought about the independence of Angola in 1975 , and said that his movement would carry on an armed struggle until independence for Cabinda had been achieved .
12 HUNDREDS of pro-Iranian militants chanting ‘ Death to Britain ’ marched in Beirut yesterday and vowed that the Hezbollah movement would carry out the Iranian death sentence on the British author Salman Rushdie .
13 Very often one individual with only a small time commitment can carry out the initial investigation and appraisal aspects of a project , but once the scheme is under way the resource level may have to be increased in order to cater for the client 's time-scale .
14 Dr Nanayakkara said Liam 's death had caused him grave concern and he had been eager a specialist children 's pathologist should carry out the post-mortem examination .
15 Gibbons 's predecessor , D. Allan Bromley , believed that the government could carry out no more than five or six major initiatives at once because of the time and resources required to coordinate activities among as many as a dozen agencies .
16 The Agriculture Minister , John Gummer , said that the government would carry out a pilot study into pollution control methods .
17 Furthermore , now that solicitors are strongly recommended to provide information about costs in advance the Society will carry out a review of whether clients should continue to have the right to ask the Society to reduce a solicitor ; s bill by the remuneration certificate process .
18 Section 14 states that , in the absence of an agreed time for performance or an agreed formula to determine the time for performance , the supplier will carry out the service in a reasonable time .
19 In the case of the supply of services , s13 of SGSA 1982 states that , where the supplier is acting in the course of a business , " the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill " .
20 The winner will carry off a camera and their entry , along with the best runners-up submissions , will be featured in Watchword , the national magazine of Watch .
21 A department of the Chinese trade and industry ministry will carry out the tests , first in Qingdao in Shandong province .
22 A computer salesperson may carry out a survey of customer requirements prior to suggesting an appropriate computer system .
23 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
24 This project will carry out the first longitudinal study of the relationships between health and health related behaviour ; education and training ; and employment in men .
25 The Commission for Racial Equality can carry out a formal investigation and issue a non-discrimination notice .
26 We find it valuable to have a checklist of potential style markers ( even though this list itself is necessarily selective ) so that a reader may carry out a linguistic survey of the text , searching for significant features .
27 Role-play might carry on a topic begun through the use of stories .
28 Scientists at the laboratory will carry out a study to gain a clearer picture of the dummy 's effectiveness .
29 For this reason , wording is sometimes inserted in the hive-up agreement to the effect that Target will carry on the trade as " undisclosed agent " of Newco until the hive-up is completed .
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