Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] look at the " in BNC.

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1 Politicians who pretend there is n't any recession should look at the fashion pages — hemlines are falling faster than the Dow Jones index .
2 The department could look at the value of making use of the local environment as a resource for its teaching .
3 Leader of the research team Professor Raj Bhopal from Newcastle University said the study would look at the hidden features of deprivation , and people 's lifestyles , and also look at the environment , particularly air pollution .
4 This chapter will look at the following examples :
5 This chapter will look at the more specifically sexual side of this development .
6 This chapter will look at the different explanations that have been put forward for girls ' 'failure' in education , and at some of the research that has been done in this area .
7 This chapter will look at the way in which science is viewed and experienced by those who teach and study it .
8 Firstly , the study will look at the effect of earning on decisions to stay on in education , at a time when more young people are postponing their entry into full-time work and when the financing of Higher Education is under discussion .
9 The study will look at the distribution of stocks , their migration and the fishery potential of various species as well as ways to catch them .
10 A curriculum audit may look at the following :
11 A committee may look at the rationale underlying a major aspect of policy , e.g. the investigation of the Treasury Committee into Monetary Policy .
12 For example , if a centre already has some devolved responsibility , the Quality Audit will look at the way in which the centre assures that the SCOTVEC criteria are being applied .
13 Similarly , if extension of devolved responsibility is being sought , the Quality Audit will look at the system which the centre proposes to use to ensure that the appropriate SCOTVEC criteria will be applied : the operation in practice of the new devolved responsibility would be monitored and be reviewed at the next full audit .
14 One session will look at the role of cities as major providers of huge new leisure facilities and sporting venues .
15 Carrying on from my last article let's look at the Harmonic Minor modes .
16 So , yes , I think that they any prospective purchaser should look at the insurance and just make sure he 's getting the very best that he can on his vehicle .
17 But Dave Waddington , chairman of the rugby club , said tonight 's executive committee meeting would look at the issue carefully .
18 The teacher will look at the problem the next morning . ’
19 This article will look at the work of the Commissioner during the past four and a half years , the problems which she has faced , and will conclude that she provides a model for other areas of dispute resolution .
20 ‘ Now , an engineer can look at the car , say it 's okay and rubber-stamp the paperwork . ’
21 'So let's look at the current problems first-what is happening at the moment ?
22 My hon. Friend should look at the licence as a whole .
23 General announcements , group discussions or committees are difficult , the speechreader must look at the right place at the right time .
24 The Court of Appeal said that the court must look at the wording and surrounding circumstances to find out what interest the clause was intended to protect .
25 The court must look at the words used in the statute , which may impose an absolute , strict or fault based standard .
26 The hon. Gentleman should look at the detail .
27 The Court could look at the facts before the Minister and if those were insufficient in law to support his determination then the Court would deem that it must have been arbitrary .
28 In a third class of cases , where the right-minded observer would be unsure , the court would look at the defendant 's motive and , only if that was indecent , would the offence be made out .
29 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will look at the Official Report tomorrow and tell me where I said that information should be hidden from parents .
30 If my hon. Friend will look at the recommendations already coming from the Boundary Commission , she will see that it recommends that there should be eight rather than seven seats in Dorset .
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