Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [to-vb] at least " in BNC.

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1 One 's hopes are raised that Scots law is to get at least some adequate mention , but these hopes founder on the title of the very first chapter , ‘ The Incorporation of European Community Law into English Law ’ .
2 All we ask of you in return is to buy at least one book from each of the Reviews and stay with us for a minimum of six issues .
3 The immediate aim is to launch at least five such products on the market within two years .
4 The method is to select at least two comparison stars , one brighter than the variable and the other fainter .
5 Here , the major objective is to find at least a champion , and hopefully an internal sponsor for the idea .
6 Once you have the three numbers , your goal is to reduce at least one of them every day .
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