Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] exactly the same " in BNC.

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1 Many of the skills we acquire on the most mundane level are exactly the same as those that are needed in any high-powered job — the ability to manage people , to organize schedules , make the most of limited resources , to keep calm in a crisis , and to encourage those dependent upon us .
2 In a formal display the left and right hand side are exactly the same .
3 Inspector Blakelock , he 's the Assistant Police Liaison Officer , told me that every human being has a unique fingerprint and no two types of blood are exactly the same .
4 and that bit in there from the album is exactly the same equipment
5 If the example presented for recognition is exactly the same as a training instance , then all this recogniser 's RAM chips will output 1 , so the summing device will output the number K.
6 The car was exactly the same model as his mother 's .
7 This requirement is exactly the same here as it is in relation to section 3 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act ( paragraph 10–23 above ) .
8 If their protection under agreement and under law was exactly the same as a full time-worker then what 'd happen is simple .
9 The command which will stop a LIFESPAN Process is exactly the same as the startup command , except that you use LSSTOP rather than LSSTRT .
10 Team was exactly the same as saturday ;
11 And I have lots of letters which I discovered about five years ago , which I thought were probably letters that my father had written it , Adam , because his name and my grandfather 's name were exactly the same .
12 This procedure is exactly the same as that already described for stone throwers .
13 The procedure is exactly the same when you fly on instruments ; but without the external visual references .
14 The reason why judges and barristers ( less than ten per cent of the profession ) wear wigs and gowns in court is exactly the same as the reason why professional aircrew wear stripes on sleeves and epaulettes copied from the ‘ eighteenth century fancy dress ’ of naval officers : in order to be quickly , easily and accurately identified in a crowd .
15 The requirement of reasonableness is exactly the same here as it is in relation to section 3 ( paragraph 10–23 above ) .
16 Whether title is dealt with before or after exchange of contracts , the procedure for investigating title is exactly the same , and the conveyancer is recommended to proceed with the utmost caution , even in these modern commercial times .
17 The smile was exactly the same , but the voice was different , it had a soft fur , Devonshire was it ?
18 About 60 per cent said they preferred them , many claiming that the tea tasted better — even though the content was exactly the same as the square .
19 When the parents came back , the erm , gaping behaviour was exactly the same .
20 Bait , tackle and method were exactly the same .
21 This page is exactly the same as that described for option 6.1.1 .
22 Yeah , so if you had if I try and draw it much the same if you had that and let's choose let's choose er , well le , let's keep the same let's keep to the same carbon chain if you had that the carbon skeleton is exactly the same the only way it differs is that the O H group here is on carbon one of that chain that we 've chosen where as here , it 's on carbon two of that chain .
23 ‘ We know they are a good side and I am sure they will come to Cardiff with a great deal of confidence , but our approach to any big game is exactly the same . ’
24 In fact the steam is a convenient way of heating the wood without drying it out and the mechanism is exactly the same as that used by hairdressers for curling hair .
25 It also means that , even in a large crystal such as a diamond , any part of the crystal is exactly the same as any other part , except where there are flaws .
26 In other words a fat calorie was exactly the same as a carbohydrate or a protein calorie .
27 The elements of the offence are exactly the same as for reckless driving , with the extra element of causing death .
28 However , the logic of causal modelling is exactly the same as that discussed here .
29 As we have already mentioned , it makes no difference whether you are flying visually in relation to the natural horizon , or , solely by reference to the Artifical Horizon and Performance Instruments ; the control of your performance is exactly the same , a combination of performance and power .
30 The procedure for sending the notice of deposit to the insurance society is exactly the same as that described above .
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