Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] saw [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In my days as a Justice 's Clerk I saw enough corpses to know that death can grossly disfigure even the comeliest of faces . ’
2 On my return late in the afternoon I saw two SS soldiers outside our front door .
3 During the pilot study I saw 160 patients ; only four chose to see a doctor in preference to the ENP .
4 ‘ The innocence I saw five years ago is gone , ’ he said calmly , ‘ and one day you 're going to tell me how it happened .
5 That trend is demonstrated in a sales bonanza which saw 142,000 people in the UK opting for a diesel car in the first half of this year .
6 The speech was welcomed by the opposition who saw these developments in sharp contrast to the more cautious approach to change signalled by Iliescu during the election campaign .
7 At that time he was like many young men of energy and ambition who saw little prospect of self-advancement in Ireland .
8 When she looked into the dark she saw corrupt towers and crumbling walls , high on the cliff , the rooting place , now , of gigantic trees .
9 Most other critics found that it was a case of the novelty of a labour film and the intensity and charm of Muni 's acting being overwhelmed by melodrama , but there was at least one critic who saw Black Fury as a step forward .
10 As a result we saw human nature at its best , with so many people rallying around those in need of help . ’
11 In a short flashing dream she saw green water foaming down the basement stairs .
12 The expansion of educational opportunities in the less industrialised republics , again , led to the emergence of a substantial native intelligentsia who saw little reason for responsible positions in their locality to be filled by outsiders .
13 Every dance we saw that day had the flavour of a different influence .
14 In the second half we saw little ball and we had to defend for our lives .
15 From the corner of my eye I saw little Gino make his way over to the restaurant 's background music system .
16 The other device I saw some time ago was a timing light for diesels , this obtained its triggering pulse from a sensor clipped to no.1 injector pipe .
17 From the windows of my room I saw all London lying in the distance like a great vapour , with here and there some lights twinkling through it . ’
18 But after a 7-month-long public inquiry which saw vigourous opposition from green groups to the plan , the Government has backed a recommendation by its Inspector that the bypass should not be built to the east of the city .
19 Fascism was a product of the deep-rooted social and economic crisis which developed in Europe following the First World War ; a period which saw high unemployment , inflation and social instability .
20 Out of the corner of her eye she saw angry movement .
21 He liked the idea of tricking batsmen from the moment he saw older boys having a go in the nets .
22 Out of the corner of his eye he saw some wirelesses in a shop window .
23 When I was on the parapet of the convent wall I saw fresh horse dung lying near the main gate ; it was not from our mounts , but the lady prioress said no one had approached the convent . ’
24 The person I saw that morning in the sunny gallery of the Palacio de Anaya reminded me of James Dean , not so much in physical appearance , though they were alike in presenting the essence of a certain youthful American type of the period , as in an instant personal magnetism , a cocksure and irresistible sexual charm .
25 But it is not necessary to share Herbert Casson 's breathless enthusiasms , or to reach point-by-point agreement with his educational philosophy , to recognise the quite different moral emphasis that shows through repeatedly in the writings of pre-war youth workers and educationalists : an emphasis which saw youthful energy and also youthful misconduct as the spark of life , rather than the death-knell of the old traditions .
26 ‘ I suppose they are nice , ’ Laura commented to a friend who saw some prototype suitcases lying about the château one day , ‘ but they are not my idea ’ .
27 And it was er , it was quite amazing when we were going on the motorway we saw these cars with erm er er there was like Pakistani erm and Turkish flags flying and when we got , er when we was going at the night time to Blackpool it was crammed !
28 Then one day we saw some people on the shore — strange , wild people , who did not look friendly .
29 For earlier in the day they saw in-calf heifer averages drop by over £200 and bulling heifers drop by £88 on the year at the spring event .
30 The association has taken heart from a recent prosecution which saw one offender fined £20,000 .
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