Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] saw [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Our duels were not on the scale of the later Clarke versus Prescott battles , where in the 1987 general election I saw a television chairman leave his chair several times to restore order .
2 Later in the afternoon I saw a meal for all 600 prisoners being cooked in one gigantic iron pot over a blazing fire .
3 Beneath the shirt I saw the outline of her breasts .
4 When I examined Southgate 's horse I saw the spur marks .
5 I started running and when I reached this end of the scaffolding I saw a woman bending over something on the ground at the other end .
6 On the southern side she saw the mandarin silks of the beginnings of civilisation and the huge courage of the Long March ; and on the other , to the north , the eternal silence of the greatest desolation .
7 ‘ Ride on ’ can be proved by the police officer or witness who saw the offence .
8 Any witness who saw the offence could prove this point .
9 Any witness who saw the incident and could identify the accused could prove this point .
10 A witness who saw the incident described the driver as white , about 25 years old , six feet tall , and of slim build with broad shoulders .
11 ‘ Attempt to drive ’ can be proved by the officer in the case or another witness who saw the defendant attempting to drive .
12 Richard took his brother 's car that night , and a witness who saw the accident on the Birdlip bypass said it happened in the dark , the car left the road without attempting to follow the curve of the road .
13 Fans of the Good Morning programme who saw a holiday report on Amsterdam , presented by on May 5 , may be surprised to know they were in fact watching a colleague .
14 A barman who saw the dance at Berwick 's Quarterbeck Club said last night : ‘ She was having a very enjoyable time and was clearly the life and soul of the party .
15 Deeply as she sympathized with the woman 's condition she saw no reason why the husband should be made its victim .
16 Nevertheless , Bob Smith kept edging her towards Malta and at first light they saw the island over the long swells following the storm .
17 With such lowly opposition he saw no cause for worry in the injured Hapgood , the off-form Hulme and the ‘ flu invalids John , Lambert and Coleman .
18 Then he pushed him towards the light , and in the light he saw the face of a boy of twenty .
19 Although Labour was defeated in the General Election of 1924 , the election which saw the publication of the ‘ Zinoviev Letter ’ with the allegation that it revealed the Communist intention to stir the masses of workers to revolution through using the Labour Party and the Anti-Soviet treaty , its vote increased by more than one million , or about 24 per cent , even though the number of Labour MPs was reduced from 191 to 151 .
20 The outlook , particularly since the general election which saw the defeat of two of the Peace-Tax Campaign 's principal supporters in parliament — Mr A Lyon and Mr F Hooley — is not too encouraging .
21 He braked in the yard at the rear of the Lodge , and through the windscreen I saw a plume of smoke rising almost vertically beyond a pantiled outbuilding which I assumed must be Laura 's studio .
22 Framed in the narrow window she saw the landscape , lit and brilliant as the background of a painting .
23 For a second she saw a man on top of the rock , then she could not see him behind the waves .
24 ‘ It was done by a child who saw no end to his nightmare other than this … ’
25 The little girl you saw a moment ago was my niece .
26 At a turn in the corridor she saw a picture she remembered , a ship at sea , and under the waves a chariot racing from a previous painting .
27 Through one window he saw a bathroom , just like his own at home only a thousand times smaller .
28 Out of the bus window he saw a manor house , with barley-sugar-stick chimneys .
29 As the mountain loomed over Rincewind like the biggest fly-swatter in the universe he saw a cave mouth .
30 His motion dashed the tears from his eyes , and as he came to a halt he saw the visitor plainly .
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