Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] first quarter " in BNC.

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1 On Jan. 24 , the budget for the first quarter of 1992 , amounting to 420,500 million roubles , was adopted by the Supreme Soviet .
2 Debate began in the Sejm ( the lower house of parliament ) on Jan. 4 on the government 's provisional budget for the first quarter of 1992 , which included cuts planned by the previous administration of Jan Bielecki and continued reductions in state subsidies .
3 The budget deficit ceiling was set at 950,100 million roubles ( US$1=0.5461 roubles at the official rate as at July 13 , 1992 ) , representing 12-14 per cent of the projected 1992 gross national product ( for projected deficit for the first quarter see p. 38923 ) .
4 There are currently two systems installed at the Lower Shakespeare Drift with a further six due for installation during the first quarter of 1993 .
5 It expects a loss for the first quarter and the loss will be substantially larger than analyst estimates — the average forecast has been for a loss of two cents a share on turnover of $565m — a figure the company says is way too high .
6 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
7 Cap Gemini Sogeti SA said turnover for the first quarter of 1993 fell 2.7% to the equivalent of $537m .
8 Cadence Design Systems Inc warns that turnover for the first quarter will be down substantially from the same period last year and it will likely see a loss for the quarter .
9 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , facing probably the biggest crisis in its history now that it is confronted with an administration not prepared to pour ever more good taxpayers ' money after bad ( CI No 2,166 ) , yesterday reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m ; sales slumped 16.5% to $422m and rentals and services fell 5.1% to $521m .
10 And now facing probably the biggest crisis in its history , Bull last week reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m .
11 One sometimes gets the impression that IBM Corp is more solicitous over the needs of its Stamford , Connecticut-based IBM Credit Corp subsidiary than it is over its own , and yesterday , in the wake of the parent 's big $285m loss , IBM Credit was able to announce that profits actually rose 0.3% at $58.3m ; the return on average equity was 20.2% , compared with 21.3% in the first quarter of 1992 and in the first three months of 1993 , IBM Credit originated financing for $1,700m of equipment , software and services for IBM 's customers and distribution channels , down 22% on the figure for the first quarter 1992 — financing for end users decreased by 45% to $600m while financing for distribution channels decreased by 1% to $1,100 , the company noted .
12 Novell expects to close the deal in the first quarter of 1993 .
13 A report in the Financial Times of April 21 , summarizing interviews with economic officials , said that the next stage in the Russian government 's economic reform programme would include a relaxation of tight controls on budget spending , in force in the first quarter of 1992 .
14 AMERICAN newsprint and paper products manufacturer , Bowater Incorporated , enlarged by the $300m acquisition of an 80 p.c. stake in Great Northern Paper at the end of 1991 , tumbled from a $16.7m profit to a $17.7m ( £10.1m ) net loss in the first quarter of the year , despite a 15 p.c. rise in sales to $373m ( £214m ) .
15 Paris-based computer services and distribution group Metrologie International SA said it had an operating loss in the first quarter of 1993 due to a drop in activity and pressures to reduce gross margins : the loss was equivalent to about $3.6m and turnover on a like-for-like basis fell 15.9% to $73.5m .
16 The company says that while it expected somewhat lower revenue in the first quarter because of seasonal factors and a product transition to R4000-based systems , the revenue decline was principally down to deferrals in customer orders and licensing activity as a result of the announcement of the proposed merger deal .
17 The level of orders received in the first quarter worsened compared with a year earlier , but turnover in the first quarter was up to the high levels of the year-ago quarter .
18 Bonhams has announced that its turnover from the first quarter of 1992 is 34 per cent up compared with the same quarter of 1991 .
19 Intel Corp has put off first deliveries of the P5 microprocessor to the first quarter of next year from the fourth quarter this year , but says that the move has not affected progress on the follow-on P6 , which it had said would start sampling as soon as the fourth quarter of next year , suggesting it will come very hot on the heels of the P5 .
20 Figures released by the State Statistics Committee for the first quarter of 1992 showed that Russian national income fell by 14 per cent as compared with the same period in 1991 , it was reported on April 23 .
21 A TOTAL of 391 planning applications were received by Ceredigion District Council during the first quarter of 1993 , a substantial rise on last year .
22 The Organization of Petrolem Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) held its six-monthly ministerial meeting in Vienna on Nov. 26-27 , electing Jibril Aminu of Nigeria as OPEC President , and ending with an agreement to allow member countries to continue to produce near to capacity in the first quarter of 1992 .
23 Cypress Semiconductor Corp returned to profitability in the first quarter of 1993 ended March 29 , reporting net income of $2.4m against a loss of $23.7m in the fourth quarter , on revenues of $69.5m , up 3% .
24 Commenting on its figures ( page seven ) Cypress Semiconductor Corp , San Jose , says that its return to profitability in the first quarter shows that its restructuring efforts are working : headcount has been reduced to 1,394 in the quarter from 1,529 at the end of 1992 .
25 According to the Home Office statistics the number of people applying for asylum in the first quarter of 1992 more than halved , from 3730 a month last year to 1730 a month this year .
26 The trade surplus for the first quarter of 1990 was down 35 per cent on the same period in 1989 and there was increasingly frequent talk of a recession as the major economic indices fell .
27 A report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) shows that non-oil commodity prices in dollar terms reached their lowest level in the post-Second World War period during the first quarter of 1987 .
28 Castlereagh captain Lisa Bell led her team to a 3–2 lead after the first quarter but Fermanagh , coached by former Irish Olympic canoeist Ann Cairns , pulled level to 5-all at half time .
29 Other support for XPG4 came from Amdahl Corp , DEC , Santa Cruz Operation Inc — which says it will deliver an XPG4 version of Open Desktop in the first quarter of next year — Mortice Kern Systems Inc , Sequent Computer Systems Inc , IBM Corp , Groupe Bull SA , HP and Uniplex Ltd — which also promised XPG4 compliance at the beginning of next year .
30 The company said business in the first quarter was not fully satisfactory but it expects results for the full year 1993 to show an improvement over 1992 .
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