Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] herself in the " in BNC.

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1 The pity of it was that she had n't made a bigger part for herself in the night 's scenario ; she was getting polite nods and hellos from people that she already knew slightly , and curious glances from most of the others .
2 She is the one who will have devoted the greater part of her married life to the job of child-raising and who will have invested a large part of herself in the children .
3 It was a full minute before she realised that she was looking at a reflection of herself in the polished metal shield that Simon had propped against a tree to protect her from any stray arrows .
4 Fleur had encouraged Dana in her ambition to become a model , and she had lived to see her daughter carve a place for herself in the fashion world .
5 A year after our idle talk at Windrush , Judith Evelyn was in New York rehearsing her leading lines for Patrick Campbell 's great play ‘ Gaslight ’ , in which she starred on Broadway from December , 1941 ( the same week as Pearl Harbour ) for the next two years , and made a lasting name for herself in the American theatre .
6 She sat up , splashing her face with water , catching a glimpse of herself in the steam-clouded mirror .
7 As she turned away , she caught a glimpse of herself in the bedroom mirror , and paused to take a longer , critical look .
8 Mrs Brocklebank had created a little nest for herself in the basement where she put her clothes and her big black handbag , from which she was only rarely and reluctantly parted , and where she tucked away any odds and ends it was better Brock at home did not see .
9 Molly caught sight of herself in the mirror , standing beside her daughter .
10 As Blanche snatched up the telephone and listened to the reassuring hum of the dialling tone , she caught sight of herself in the mirror on the wall : the shimmer of sweat on her forehead , eyes wild , face haggard and pale , hair stormy and unkempt , knuckles bruised and sore .
11 As she dried , she caught sight of herself in the mirror .
12 As she went out she caught sight of herself in the mirror at the back of the counter .
13 At the sight of herself in the mirror , an image of herself from so long ago , all the shock came back , taking her by surprise .
14 Catching sight of herself in the long wall-mirror as she pulled a peach-coloured , button-necked nightshirt over her head , she found herself wondering what Guy was doing .
15 We leave the second part to the sorceress who 's the really strong character in the whole play to spoil this love match and she sends the spirit of herself in the form of the God Mercury to deceive Anaeas into saying he 's got to go away , so he goes and tells Dido he must leave and of course Dido 's heartbroken and she commits suicide and of course this is celebrated with the famous lament at the end of the opera .
16 ‘ Yes , but under protest , ’ Theda said , a fleeting vision of herself in the peach gown passing through her mind , together with a swift question as to how Benedict would think she looked in it .
17 She longed to cry , to dissolve the hard knot of tears that was inside her but pride would not allow her to make a show of herself in the street .
18 She took one last look at herself in the wardrobe mirror before she pulled on the sheepskin that her father had bought her for Christmas .
19 Charity had a look at herself in the mirror and sighed .
20 Drinking Irish whisky by herself in the Ladies ' Cloakroom ? "
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