Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [adj] range " in BNC.

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1 The introduction of new technology creates the opportunity for a wide range of choices to be made about how work should be organised .
2 Health authority staff , not unreasonably , felt that this was at the cost of forgoing routine casework support for a wide range of people ( horizontal efficiency ) and from their point of view , therefore , the developmental role of the CMHTs represented an unacceptable opportunity cost .
3 With the abandonment of sectarian politics and the adoption of the popular front strategy , he was forced to relinquish the tactics of undifferentiated confrontation and engage instead in a complex ideological process in which unequivocal condemnation of the agents of fascism was interspersed with sophisticated and complex support for a wide range of liberal fellow-travellers who only a short time previously would have been roundly condemned as class enemies .
4 As part of its £11 million programme of support for a wide range of community activities , Barclays Bank has pledged £150,000 between 1989 and 1991 to fund Young National Trust Theatre , a professional Theatre-in-Education company .
5 Such techniques can be applied to establish clash and function for a wide range of engineering assembly problems .
6 He became Channel 4 's first Commissioning Editor for Sport when the channel opened in November 1982 and went on to become Senior Commissioning Editor with responsibility for a wide range of programmes including documentaries and children 's .
7 Part-time male reservists do only sanger ( guard ) duty , either at the station or at other locations ; female reservists are restricted in the main to the guard room inside the station , with only full-time reserve policemen carrying the responsibility for a broader range of tasks , although few are involved in the paperwork for a case file .
8 Heavy demands are placed on schools to find time in the curriculum for a wide range of individually worthwhile activities and difficult decisions have to be made about priorities .
9 On the other hand , the LEAs were expanding their provision through a diversified range of courses of ‘ instruction ’ in practical skills , many of which were provided for occupational qualifications at ‘ night schools ’ or evening institutes .
10 Indian fishermen use dolphin oil to lure catfish into their nets , and in Nepal , dolphins are netted by fishermen and marketed for their oil , which is used as a remedy for a wide range of diseases .
11 Then on the Sunday there will be observed trials and a race programme for a wide range of ages and standards .
12 A holiday brochure that is also a history lesson in itself is a good briefing for a unique range of military tours that takes in some of the world 's legendary battlefields .
13 The new berth will also be used for the import and export of a wide range of other cargoes .
14 Many teachers exploit the possibility of comic , ‘ fun ’ poetry , or the lyrics of popular music as a way into the appreciation of a wider range of contemporary writing , beginning with writers who are easily accessible .
15 While engaged in this intensive study of a narrow range of the English language , the students had little time for anything else .
16 With the funds available , Florey collaborated with Chain , whose work on lysozyme , already mentioned , led naturally to a study of a wider range of antibacterial agents .
17 Secondly , a non-porphyrin ligand would be easier to chemically modify and so permit study of a greater range of ligand structural variations .
18 As late as 1942 I was myself assured most positively , by an otherwise sane Englishman , that , in an inaccessible valley just the other side of a visible range of mountains , he himself had encountered men with tails .
19 It is clear from these brief analyses that the nature and scope of the context that is constructed for each individual poem does not simply depend on the choice of deictic expressions in the text , but rather results from the combined effect of a wide range of variables , including the content of the text as a whole , and the attitudes and experiences that readers bring to the text or develop during reading .
20 Such figures are not fanciful — the example of the motor car is a useful demonstration of the vast effect of a single range of efficiency improvements .
21 There is also the added bonus of a large range of typefaces and the ability to mix graphics with the text .
22 We examined the immunoreactivity of a large range of tumour marker antisera in a series of adenocarcinomas and their respective metastases to determine whether patterns of reactivity could help identify the primary sites of metastases and to assess the clinical value of this system as a routine method of investigation .
23 The farming lobby has also pursued a policy of agricultural exceptionalism when it has come to the institution of a wide range of welfare and safety measures .
24 SPECIFICALLY designed to improve the usability of a wide range of personal computers by raising the back to a calculated level .
25 Conclusions about coping responses which have a protective effect against a wide range of events are more easily obtained when the events are likely to be associated with acute anxiety and fear rather than depression ( e.g. Jaremko , 1983 ) .
26 The stage in between the original negative and the dupe is called an interpositive , and is on a low-contrast stock with a limited range of colours , mostly greys and greens .
27 Regulations from Brussels deal with a vast range of topics such as employment conditions , industrial safety , social security , immigration , taxation , food hygiene , environmental control , broadcasting , air-sea & land transport , cultural development , education and of course of all aspects of trade and commercial affairs .
28 Theatre Studies is taught in its own modern studio complex with a full range of excellent technical facilities , including a workshop , dressing rooms and showers .
29 Seven miles away at Aviemore there is a visitor centre and entertainment complex with a full range of sports facilities .
30 It is important to provide the hospitality industry with a wide range of products to ensure that each hotel gets the right product for its size , location , local crime level , budget , community standards and method of operation .
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