Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [adj] quarter " in BNC.

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1 On March 27 the Russian Supreme Soviet rejected the government 's draft budget for the second quarter of 1992 and ordered it to present a new version in April .
2 On Jan. 24 , the budget for the first quarter of 1992 , amounting to 420,500 million roubles , was adopted by the Supreme Soviet .
3 Debate began in the Sejm ( the lower house of parliament ) on Jan. 4 on the government 's provisional budget for the first quarter of 1992 , which included cuts planned by the previous administration of Jan Bielecki and continued reductions in state subsidies .
4 The budget deficit ceiling was set at 950,100 million roubles ( US$1=0.5461 roubles at the official rate as at July 13 , 1992 ) , representing 12-14 per cent of the projected 1992 gross national product ( for projected deficit for the first quarter see p. 38923 ) .
5 There are currently two systems installed at the Lower Shakespeare Drift with a further six due for installation during the first quarter of 1993 .
6 The total income for the average quarter was £50 , rising to £60 or £70 in 1939 .
7 In their conclusion Bennett and Chorley ( 1978 , p. 541 ) suggest that systems methods have illuminated thought , clarified objectives , and cut through the theoretical and technical undergrowth during the third quarter of the twentieth century in a most striking manner but in addition :
8 STAFF at Bury St Edmunds Branch had something to celebrate — and something to celebrate with — after wining Private Trust and Taxation 's South of England promotion contest for the second quarter of the current financial year .
9 Recovery in the UK gathered momentum during the second quarter as the UK portfolio continued to respond positively to action on rates and operating costs .
10 It expects a loss for the first quarter and the loss will be substantially larger than analyst estimates — the average forecast has been for a loss of two cents a share on turnover of $565m — a figure the company says is way too high .
11 Few are in any doubt that there is plenty more pain to come , and it may well be that the interim management is now expected to clear the decks , steel itself to announce another enormous net loss for the current quarter and let the new chief executive and team come in with a clean sheet .
12 No sooner had IBM Corp announced a grotesque $5,463m net loss for the fourth quarter , which included a first ever operating loss of $45m or eight cents a share , than IBM UK Ltd chipped in with figures that were relatively even worse than those of its parent .
13 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
14 Premium income in currency was up nearly 17% as a result of substantial rate increases and further rating action will come into effect during the third quarter .
15 Cap Gemini Sogeti SA said turnover for the first quarter of 1993 fell 2.7% to the equivalent of $537m .
16 Cadence Design Systems Inc warns that turnover for the first quarter will be down substantially from the same period last year and it will likely see a loss for the quarter .
17 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , facing probably the biggest crisis in its history now that it is confronted with an administration not prepared to pour ever more good taxpayers ' money after bad ( CI No 2,166 ) , yesterday reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m ; sales slumped 16.5% to $422m and rentals and services fell 5.1% to $521m .
18 And now facing probably the biggest crisis in its history , Bull last week reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m .
20 One sometimes gets the impression that IBM Corp is more solicitous over the needs of its Stamford , Connecticut-based IBM Credit Corp subsidiary than it is over its own , and yesterday , in the wake of the parent 's big $285m loss , IBM Credit was able to announce that profits actually rose 0.3% at $58.3m ; the return on average equity was 20.2% , compared with 21.3% in the first quarter of 1992 and in the first three months of 1993 , IBM Credit originated financing for $1,700m of equipment , software and services for IBM 's customers and distribution channels , down 22% on the figure for the first quarter 1992 — financing for end users decreased by 45% to $600m while financing for distribution channels decreased by 1% to $1,100 , the company noted .
21 Turn on to a side for the next quarter , then the other side and breast side up for the final cooking time , removing the foil .
22 This is because the change in the stock in the current quarter ( ) consists of revaluations ( which are a function of the change in asset prices over the quarter ) and new purchases which are a function of expected gains from the time of purchase rather than simply from the end of the current quarter .
23 Novell expects to close the deal in the first quarter of 1993 .
24 A report in the Financial Times of April 21 , summarizing interviews with economic officials , said that the next stage in the Russian government 's economic reform programme would include a relaxation of tight controls on budget spending , in force in the first quarter of 1992 .
25 He could sit on a terrace in the French quarter , sipping wine , and feel he was in France .
26 Delta Air Lines , the third-largest carrier in the USA , reported a $270,000,000 loss in the final quarter , and the domestic carrier Southwest Airlines declared a $4,580,000 quarterly loss .
27 AMERICAN newsprint and paper products manufacturer , Bowater Incorporated , enlarged by the $300m acquisition of an 80 p.c. stake in Great Northern Paper at the end of 1991 , tumbled from a $16.7m profit to a $17.7m ( £10.1m ) net loss in the first quarter of the year , despite a 15 p.c. rise in sales to $373m ( £214m ) .
28 Paris-based computer services and distribution group Metrologie International SA said it had an operating loss in the first quarter of 1993 due to a drop in activity and pressures to reduce gross margins : the loss was equivalent to about $3.6m and turnover on a like-for-like basis fell 15.9% to $73.5m .
29 American Airlines made a $215m loss in the fourth quarter of 1990 , while on January 23rd Delta reported that it went $208m into the red during the same period , the biggest quarterly loss in its history .
30 The group 's industrial chemical business was significantly affected by the cycle and Chemicals and Polymers was in loss in the fourth quarter of 1991 .
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