Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 In such comments we find ourselves in the precise atmosphere of Rudolf Otto 's ‘ numinous ’ , the ‘ mysterium tremendum et fascinans ’ — the mystery that creates wonderment as well as terror — which surely accounts at least in part for the high level of religious feeling in Canadian folklore and literature ; not least in Leonard 's expression of it .
2 This is most obvious in Modern Languages , where there are ten levels for Key Stages 3 and 4 only , and where pupils are expected to make ‘ swift progress through the early levels ’ ( DES 1990a : 12 ) .
3 There have also been complaints from some members of parliament about the high levels of educational expenditure in comparison with other services .
4 They suggest the sorts of function an area might be involved in , and some degree of localization is possible by varying stimulation sites and finding the one that produces the largest response for the lowest level of stimulation .
5 This will necessarily involve some interaction between the different levels of analysis .
6 Psychological studies of word recognition propose models of interaction between the different levels of processing which combine to give recognition .
7 It was the duty of the medicine man of the line of Armijas to tutor the spirit warrior through the Seven Levels , to prepare her for the final battle , in which she would stand with the other spirit warriors — the Holy Woman From Across the Great Water , the Man With Music in His Heart , the Red-Handed One , the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much , the Great Father in White , the Man Who Rides Alone — against the army of the manitous and the story would end .
8 For six years or so the CNAA had moved with caution — indeed , only one of its officers , Francis Hanrott , had any previous experience involving contact with teacher education , and he was given responsibility for the various levels of negotiation .
9 Every effort is made to provide each student with an informed pathway of study through the successive levels of a course .
10 Upper levels of the quarry were served entirely by winches and there was a drum worked incline between the two levels .
11 Search for the different levels in books at which the historian presents his main ideas and arguments .
12 Advertisement er , revenue at Westminster Press ended the six months at about the , advert revenue about the same level as last year but it was below last year 's level early on , so in other words erm , advertisement volume is growing , because there 's next to no , there 's , the yield is about the same overall .
13 They bear a fixed rate of interest , but a society must waive interest payments if they would bring its capital adequacy below the required level .
14 One important basis of comparison between countries is their size , and it is clearly very relevant to an appreciation of the relative levels of economic growth and development achieved by any country , to know roughly among how many people the social product , however large or small , has to be divided .
15 The research consists of a study of the technical level of Soviet state standards , and their relevance to the quality levels of Soviet industrial products .
16 Eddy 's own interest in the old records from the Royal Greenwich Observatory had developed from his study of the changing level of solar activity as indicated by the numbers of sunspots , or dark spots in its surface .
17 One can speculate that a positive slope for this regression line confirms investment below the optimum level in the UK and the negative slope in Japan indicates investment above the optimum level .
18 In May , Oliver Cromwell , erstwhile champion of the commoners , was named as one of the commissioners , together with the earl of Bedford , under a new Act for the Draining of the Great Level .
19 One indication of the deep-seated level of dissent followed soon after the anti-Japanese student protests .
20 It should be borne in mind , however , that the modules which constitute the award are merely an indication of the expected level of competence to be demonstrated by office workers who hold a qualification at Level I and II .
21 TAGH might be acting by enhancing the effect of the physiological levels of ligands of the EGF receptor in the hepatocyte environment by phosphorylation of the EGF receptor .
22 One effect of the serious level of unemployment among school leavers has been an increase in demand for GCE courses in colleges , by as much as 20 per cent in some colleges , and also for college components of YOP programmes .
23 The key of the second level consists of the key of the first level ( job-number ) plus the identifier of the second ( part number ) .
24 The key of the second level consists of the key of the first level ( job-number ) plus the identifier of the second ( part number ) .
25 One can speculate that a positive slope for this regression line confirms investment below the optimum level in the UK and the negative slope in Japan indicates investment above the optimum level .
26 This activation of a hypothesis through connections to any part of it is enough in itself to recover the missing information , but TRACE II also has feedback from the higher level which can increase the activity of all the lower level descriptions which support it .
27 As in the civil sector , the gap in know-how may be less than the gap in the technological level of what is produced ; often a conscious decision is made to forego the most advanced option .
28 As I said , things are in flux and there are rumours of rioting in the lower levels .
29 The rate of decline has owed a great deal to the overall level of employment in the economy , so that year-to-year fluctuations have varied considerably — it has been calculated , for example , that a 1 per cent decline in the national level of unemployment is sufficient to provoke an increase in the outflow of labour from agriculture eight times as large .
30 A player joining a new club during the close season or after the season starts will have to wait 30 days if joining a club two leagues higher or lower before he plays for that club in a Courage league game or 120 days if joining a club on the same level or one league higher or lower before he plays for that in a league game ; he waits 180 days if he is not a British passport holder .
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