Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [art] [adj] tradition " in BNC.

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1 The convent has a long tradition of illustrating cards and books with delicate hand-crafted watercolours and inscriptions .
2 Founded in 1583 , the University has a distinguished tradition of learning and of innovation , including examples in the Arts ( Edinburgh established the first Chair of English Literature in Britain ) , in the Sciences ( with the UK 's first Chair of Agriculture and latterly the first Chair and Department of Artificial Intelligence ) and , of course , in Medicine and the other professions .
3 The Social Work Department has a long tradition of working in collaboration with other service providers .
4 As Fimrite points out , the popular , working-class sport of baseball has a disorderly tradition .
5 In 1924 he got a chapter to himself in Harold Begbie 's The Conservative Mind , a best-selling effort by a popular journalist to identify a Tory tradition representing the best in English life .
6 Cancer research had a long tradition of support from private contributions , but new charities devoted to particular diseases , such as arthritis and rheumatism , leukaemia , and muscular dystrophy , were founded and became a great source of strength to workers whose interests had or might have application to the desired objectives .
7 Indications of these future difficulties became apparent as early as October 1935 when , during Jacques ' absence through injury , Lionel Elvin and Ernest Green combined to defeat a Cambridge Board proposal to discontinue the long-standing tradition that the new District Secretary should be appointed as Joint Secretary to the Tutorial Classes Committee .
8 Western philosophy has a long tradition so it is not surprising that it has changed over the centuries both in content and in method .
9 These values of conservative normativism underpin the dominant tradition of public law .
10 At Vergina , later in the fourth century , the quality of recently discovered fresco-painting suggests an established tradition which might go back to Archelaos ' time ; and continuity is also suggested by Pliny 's statement ( Natural History xxxv.62 ) that Zeuxis gave Archelaos a painting of Pan , who was to be patron deity of the third-century Macedonian king Antigonos Gonatas ( see the coin illustrated as frontispiece to W. Tarn ( 1913 ) Antigonos Gonatas ) .
11 Rather than develop a peculiarly urban form of housing , housing authorities in this country have preferred on the whole to continue a century-long tradition of suburban housing form .
12 Through a project begun by West Yorkshire Archaeological Unit , Tony became connected with the Holy Wells Research and Preservation Group , and from there came the inspiration to revive a local tradition he had heard tales about since his childhood .
13 A dislike by Irish clerics for such an explicit and direct church — state relationship has a long tradition and comes out best in De Tocqueville 's ( 1957 ) conversations with Irish clergy on his visit to Ireland in 1834 .
14 This reliance on the compulsive power of oratory started a rhetorical tradition which in the long run weakened liberalism ; rhetoric is unsuitable to the politics of interest and easily becomes the property of extremists .
15 Actually , this policy supported the old tradition of russification and was a special danger in the conditions of the civil war . ’
16 W. B. Yeats [ q.v. ] dismissed him as ‘ all blood , dirt , and sucked sugar-stick ’ , yet it is likely that , had he survived the war , Owen would have grown in stature to span the native tradition between Thomas Hardy and Philip Larkin [ qq.v . ] .
17 Outside those sectors where temporary working has a long tradition , they have usually vigorously condemned it .
18 While the formal approach has a long tradition , manifested in innumerable volumes of grammar , the functional approach is less well documented .
19 What is of particular interest is that direct investment overseas by such enterprises has become increasingly important over the post war years ( as opposed to portfolio investment , of which British capital has a long tradition ) , and that this phenomenon is especially important for the British economy .
20 To illustrate this I will describe in some detail the example of my own school , where the governing body has grasped the opportunity presented by recent legislation to formalise a long-established tradition of teacher involvement in decision-making .
21 The concept of an independent development agency has a long tradition in Britain .
22 Each age and each individual has to make the imaginative effort to appropriate the religious tradition and make it their own , as Julian did .
23 Psychology has a secondary tradition of studying exclusively female samples , particularly in the female-identified areas of heterosexual and parental relationships , and social and emotional attitudes and behaviours .
24 This country has a long tradition of accepting genuine political refugees , but there is no doubt that the fact that three quarters of all applications are made by people who have been living in this country for weeks , months and , in some cases , years , is tantamount to an abuse of the system .
25 The first of these principles is laid down in Article 5 of the EEC Treaty , which requires Member States to take all appropriate measures to ensure the effectiveness of Community law ; the second principle underlies the constitutional tradition common to the Member States and is also laid down in Articles 6 and 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights .
26 ‘ The Herring Table has a tremendous tradition .
27 In the first place , the left has a strong tradition of defying authority , and smoking fits neatly into this .
28 As a location for drama production , the City of Birmingham and the region has an unrivalled tradition for both the popularity of the series produced , and originality of the subject matter portrayed , for example EMPIRE ROAD , GANGSTERS , SECOND CITY FIRST , ANGELS ( all BBC ) , CROSSROADS , MUCK AND BRASS , BOON , SOLDIER , SOLDIER , ( Central Television ) .
29 Christianity continued the penitential tradition and the ‘ grace of tears ’ was considered one of the chief gifts offered to the penitent .
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