Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] to improve the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He will report on our Corporate Plan , international activities and current plans on the drawing board to improve the status and image of the Association and , importantly , the services and communications with our members .
2 The proposals , put forward by the Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment , include increasing the duty on petrol , increasing vehicle excise duty in line with engine size , reducing value-added tax on fuel-saving equipment , setting minimum standards for energy efficiency of household appliances , obliging car manufacturers to improve the efficiency of engines , and encouraging the development of combined heat and power generating stations .
3 In conclusion , methods are continuously being sought which will enable aircraft maintenance organisations to improve the efficiency of their operations .
4 BRITISH Rail is to unveil a multi-million pound project to improve the scenery for travellers on the North-East network in the next few weeks .
5 Study 4 was an attempt to see whether the effects observed in Studies 2 and 3 were specific to the particular stimuli which were used or whether they can also be observed with a wider range of stimuli and a larger number of responses contributing to the ROC curves to improve the reliability of the recognition measures .
6 They should also be able to teach highly motivated architecture students to improve the rigour and content of their work .
7 Ferranti International Plc , Manchester , says its Ferranti Technologies Inc unit has won a $9.8m contract amendment to improve the air combat training range being supplied to the United Arab Emirates .
8 The much-rumoured pact will see Insignia admit it has a license to Windows source code and the right to modify it at the application programming interface level to improve the performance of SoftPC , its Windows-on-Unix package .
9 The much-rumoured pact will see Insignia admit it has a licence to Windows source code and the right to modify it at the application programming interface level to improve the performance of SoftPC , its Windows-under-Unix package .
10 However , our association with SBBC gives us the chance to support practical community action to improve the environment , which is important .
11 The risks of competitive bidding need to be included in the analysis when it is well-known that genuine bids are difficult to detect , so that large multinationals can make ‘ loss-leader ’ bids to exclude local firms , as in the case of refuse collection in the United States , and ‘ performance contractors ’ for US school districts can leak ‘ their ’ students the examination questions to improve the firm 's success rate ( R. Goodwin 1982 ) .
12 They concluded that BP Oil could no longer rely on the business environment to improve the company 's results .
13 We will establish a new independent transport safety inspectorate within the health and safety legislation to improve the safety environment which has led to the terrible tragedies of recent years .
14 It was agreed that there needed to be substantial funding restored to both the Housing Executive and health service budget to improve the services they provide and to combat the ever increasing problems which are besetting our community .
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what proposals he has to enable local education authorities to improve the fabric of school buildings .
16 That is why the British Tourist Association launched its ‘ Winning Words ’ initiative , to encourage the tourism industry to improve the service it offers to non-English speaking guests .
17 Motor experience is still unsatisfactory however and the benefits of our more selective underwriting procedures to improve the quality of our portfolio have not yet had their full effect .
18 As long as this biased reward system persists , motivating teaching staff to improve the training of medical students will be difficult .
19 When I was Chairman of the Crofters Commission we carried out a modest experiment in encouraging school children in crofting areas to improve the appearance of their villages .
20 It has now formally signed an agreement that enables the High Wycombe , Buckinghamshire and Mountain View , California-based Insignia Solutions Ltd to modify Windows source code at the application programming interface to improve the performance of its SoftPC Windows under Unix package .
21 By the 1980s , however , massive decline of jobs and population had led to the concentration of national socio-economic problems in inner cities , and to a very varied set of government programmes to improve the situation ( Chapter 8 ) .
22 Stable contracts will permit cost reductions and capital investment to improve the quality and reliability of supply .
23 At Cornard we have made major investment in our packing lines to improve the output of semi-moist production and productivity .
24 Instead , we will modernise , setting clear performance targets to improve the quality of service and shift more freight from road to rail .
25 The teachers in the two departments are possessed of a missionary zeal to improve the quality of their pupils ' lives ; they do not want an English education to be useful or vocational , but to enable the pupils to think critically about themselves , about life , and about society .
26 An astigmatism has hampered her recovery … nevertheless today she 's having more laser treatment to improve the sight in her left eye .
27 An astigmatism has hampered her recovery ; nevertheless , today she 's having more laser treatment to improve the sight in her left eye .
28 Winchester city councillor Major Dougie Covill requested that more pressure be put upon the county council to improve the footpaths and pavements which are in a very dangerous condition , and a Broad Street businessman wondered if residents were really aware of the changes going on in Broad Street , and the manner in which they were to be undertaken .
29 Brian Grant believes that clients have become more sophisticated , so they will pressure agencies to improve the quality of their services , at a time when the advertising cupboard is pretty bare .
30 ‘ All our drivers , of course , are trained to deal with an emergency situation too ’ , says Reg Jones , ‘ Standards are getting higher and higher and the majority of drivers who work for P&O Roadtanks not only have a City & Guilds qualification in dealing with hazardous chemicals , but will have attended further training courses to improve the service they can offer the customer . ’
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