Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] met [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this mood of optimism negotiators met for another ‘ process ’ , this time at Agen , in 1332 and 1333 .
2 During his impromptu press conference at Kennebunkport on July 12 , Bush also referred to the " October Surprise " scandal , the allegation that members of the Reagan-Bush 1980 presidential election campaign met with Iranian representatives in Paris in order to promise arms sales to Iran in return for the Iranian government 's agreement not to free 52 US hostages held in Teheran until after the November 1980 presidential election .
3 In paragraph nine , I report that erm , members of this council including the Chair of this committee , Vice Chair Committee Councillor met with this local government staff commission here in these offices .
4 Edward III 's Forest policy met with widespread opposition from his subjects , who took advantage of his absences from England to make wholesale depredations upon the deer in his forests and parks .
5 When the Salvation Army met on 18 August to hold a thanksgiving service for the passing of the act , William Booth emphasized that the connection between legislation and morality was the keynote of victory .
6 Despite its popularity in certain quarters , however , the idea of compulsory part-time day classes met with strenuous opposition from politicians , employers , and from sections of the labour movement .
7 A GREATLY improved entry of store pigs met with mighty trade selling to £41.50 paid to a Dungannon farmer for his top quality pigs weighing 41k ( 101p per kilo ) at Automart , Portadown .
8 On May 9 President Elias Hrawi and National Assembly Speaker Hussain al-Hussaini met with Syrian leaders , including President Hafez al-Assad , in Damascus to discuss the formation of a new government .
9 First , remember all those people who were in residential care on 31 March enjoy the right to have their future care costs met by social security .
10 The family health services authority and health authority met with social services at the end of January to explain community care funding , but will this have come in time to save this local initiative ?
11 More serious , the business of assessing a county rate met with strong resistance and directed criticism against the Crown itself rather than its purveyors .
12 India 's first Nationalist Congress met in 1886 and Indian M.P.s were even elected to the Imperial parliament .
13 The attempt to build a broad Jacobite alliance of disaffected Whigs and Tories around Country principles met with some degree of success in the early 1690s .
14 District council officers ' request for authority to tackle the perceived pigeon menace met with little favour from environment committee councillors on Wednesday .
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