Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] the [adj] rate " in BNC.

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1 At the time of writing , I understand that the computer training course has the highest rate of job placement for discharged prisoners of any vocational training programme in Texas prisons .
2 This report describes the referral patterns of women during pregnancy and the effect this has on the interpretation of perinatal risk ; compares crude perinatal mortality rates between different maternity units ; shows how adjustment for case mix influences the initial rates ; and suggests ways of making analyses of perinatal mortality rates more relevant for evaluating obstetric and neonatal care .
3 The points that would need stressing are the time-scale over which the reform would be implemented , and the commitment to use the revenue to reduce the standard rate of tax .
4 They fall back on reserves of muscle protein to balance the high rate of heat loss — and still can not find sufficient food .
5 A condition to specify the maximum rate of house completions for education reasons is required .
6 Exercise raises the metabolic rate , not only at the time of activity , but also for a little while afterwards .
7 Since the schemes in question paid the male rate for the job , they can not be tarred with the brush of cheap labour .
8 Does my right hon. Friend agree that any proposal to raise the higher rate of income tax , as advocated by the Opposition , would be damaging for morale and prosperity , because such a move would not only destroy the will to work but drive some of our best brains out of the country ?
9 In the last quarter of the eighteenth century British population hit the critical rate of growth squarely in the middle , slow enough to maintain , or even slightly improve real wages and yet to encourage labour saving innovation , fast enough to keep down labour costs and yet to expand aggregate demand for food and mass consumer goods .
10 In accordance with certain theoretical considerations and after some empirical experimentation , Barro obtained the following fairly complex equation as his best estimate of the process determining the annual rate of growth of the quantity of money over the period 1941–73 : where is the rate of growth of the quantity of money predicted by the process shown in equation ( 6.7 ) to occur in period t , and is the actual rate of growth of the quantity of money in period t - i .
11 The outcome matches the estimated rate in Figure 8.2 , and this provides support for the rates for the other planets .
12 In theory an excise on home production of tobacco could have produced the same revenue as a tax on imports but in practice it took a strong and efficient government to levy an excise , while almost any government could find private businessmen who would pay a lump sum of cash in return for the right to collect the official rates of customs duties at a port .
13 So the old faithful customers do not have the chance to compare the new rates with those currently being paid to them ’ .
14 The choice of this figure suggests a well-judged ploy to restrict the highest rate to the truly rich , for it is noticeable that the majority of assessments between £40 and £100 were bunched around the minimum figure .
15 Bromley London Borough Council applied to the High Court to quash the supplementary rate as ultra vires .
16 Nevertheless we are still left with the nagging question : under what circumstances will the actual rate of inflation exceed the expected rate of inflation ?
17 It is now barely 1.5 times average earnings , so Labour 's pledge to raise the top rate from 40% to ( in effect ) 59% can be made to sound threatening to millions of ordinary Britons .
18 Tax is deducted from all interest payments at a ‘ composite rate ’ which rate is calculated to yield that amount of tax which would have accrued to the Exchequer had the standard rate been applied only to the interest received by those liable to pay tax .
19 The general proposition was that inflationary expectations would be revised upwards when the actual , realized rate of inflation exceeded the expected rate of inflation .
20 In stable transfections using pSV2neo and G418 selection ( 2 ) and a similar protocol to that described for polybrene ( 2 ) , poly-L-ornithine produced the highest rate of transfection ( 7.0 ± 2.2 10 4 colonies/µg DNA/5 10 5 cells ) , significantly higher than poly-L-lysine ( 1.3 ± 0.6 10 4 colonies/µg DNA/5 10 5 cells ) which gave comparable results to polybrene ( 1.2 ± 0.6 10 4 colonies/µg DNA/5 10 5 cells ) .
21 The rate became the central rate in a system of " administered " rates .
22 Our multiethnic area has the highest rate of termination of pregnancy , and a literature search showed that we needed to commission research to identify AfroCaribbeans ' perceptions of family planning .
23 Alternatively , for a given forward exchange rate , it is a theory explaining the current spot rate ; or for a given current spot rate , it is a theory explaining the forward rate .
24 Equation ( 7.7 ) is a theory explaining the expected rate of appreciation of the exchange rate .
25 This study shows that treatment of bleeding ulcers with heater probe reduces the rebleeding rate compared with medical conservative management .
26 In summary , this study shows that compared with medical treatment the heater probe reduces the rebleeding rate in a non-bleeding visible vessel by 62% , there was no death , and complications were minimal .
27 A complicated points system could stop men in this type of role getting the top rates of pay .
28 The latest money supply figures showed a rise of 0.7 per cent in the narrow band last month taking the annual rate up again from 4.3 per cent to 4.5 per cent .
29 The trade-off possibilities worsen because to the left of people 's expectations about inflation are falsified with the actual rate exceeding the expected rate .
30 The tax credit which accompanies a dividend matches the basic rate liability but the trustees pay additional rate tax of 10% .
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