Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] themselves [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although working people are now more likely to be contributing to an occupational or personal pension , even in future years not all people will have been able to accumulate sufficient provision to support themselves in retirement — for example those people who have not worked for many years because they were unemployed or disabled or caring for relatives .
2 The MPIs too could benefit from closer contacts with universities : older members who have passed their first flush of creativity would have the opportunity to refresh themselves by teaching , at the same time attracting new young people .
3 The King 's Bench Prison was for gentlemen debtors , for ‘ men born to property and a high station in life who by their folly and crime reduced themselves to wretchedness and loaded themselves with disgrace ’ — though James Grant 's description in Pictures of Popular People could not be said to fit poor Benjamin Haydon .
4 In Germany , workplace representatives in this industry see themselves as part of the administrative framework for the smooth conduct of industrial relations and work within given administrative and legal constraints .
5 He flushed with anger when he remembered how the legal aid he had levied to furnish her to her wedding had brought in only miserable trickles of money on the date appointed , and how he had been forced to send out letters to all and sundry requesting loans to help to pay for her clothes and dowry , and even to borrow abjectly from the City of London and some of its richest citizens , with all the members of his council pledging themselves for repayment , so low was his own credit fallen .
6 The two dominant trends in philosophy subordinated themselves to science : French positivism , associated with the school of the curious Auguste Comte , and British empiricism , associated with John Stuart Mill , not to mention the mediocre thinker whose influence was then greater than any other anywhere in the world , Herbert Spencer ( 1820–1903 ) .
7 Chamois drench themselves in perfume by shaking their bodies as they urinate , and camels use their tails to whisk their urine into an odorous shower .
8 This provides the timetable for the meeting and allows members of the committee to prepare themselves in advance for the discussions that will take place .
9 But it was not long before symptoms of the hypochondria which had always been present showed themselves in strength .
10 Industrialists were also happy to see an expansion of state and therefore bureaucratic intervention to provide themselves with protection against foreign imports and their relatives with employment opportunities .
11 While Muhammed Shah and his circle busied themselves with amusement , Safdarjung consolidated his position .
12 In the area of social help and rehabilitation a variety of clubs can also help both the mentally handicapped and the mentally ill to make social contacts and gain the confidence to reintegrate themselves into society .
13 As the troubadour Pous de Capdeuil put it , " What more can kings desire than the right to save themselves from hell-fire by mighty deeds of arms ? "
14 If our constitution does not altogether submerge us in wishful thinking , that is because pain and misfortune force themselves on attention from outside .
15 Young children have a very real need to place themselves in time and in a wider social context , and at a very basic level they need to explore the past before they were born and to begin to share the collective human memory .
16 Traditionally Convocation had met whenever Parliament assembled , but the institution had been largely dormant after 1664 , when the clergy relinquished their right to tax themselves in return for the vote in Parliamentary elections , and had met only once since then , namely in 1689 .
17 Moreover , if the person found themselves on income support when old , the calculations for income support would assume they were receiving their full old-age pension .
18 About ten people a day kill themselves by suicide , maybe maybe one in a thousand people who take Prozac get bad reactions to it , but that has to be seen in balance , in the balance of a large number of people deriving a lot of benefit and maybe a few people having some bad reactions .
19 Two-thirds of the sample describe themselves as head of their households .
20 As not only Chubei and Umegawa but also Yohei and his wife find themselves under sentence of death from the Shoguns ' inexorable laws , both couples make a suicide pact .
21 At sunset , however , after a day sunning themselves on deck , in perfect invasion weather , and with not an English ship or soldier in sight , the French weighed anchor and left , leaving the news of their presence to be spread by beacons and horsemen all over Devon and Cornwall .
22 A gradual reversal of the parent/child roles may have to be adjusted to , as the elderly parent moves further on into old age and becomes more dependent in every way , and sometimes the inner fears and insecurities of an old person express themselves in jealousy , possessiveness and resentment of the daughter 's contacts with other family members or friends , which can create many embarrassing situations , and the need for small deceptions to keep the peace .
23 Against Protestant tendencies to emphasize the priesthood of all believers , Catholic scholars would reaffirm , as Bellarmine did , that many believers had neither the spiritual capacity nor the mental endowment to protect themselves from literature that might be damaging to faith and prospects for eternity .
24 And once a flaw has appeared , it tends to be copied as subsequent layers of crystal encrust themselves on top of it .
25 People who skip breakfast work less efficiently than people who have taken the trouble to provide themselves with fuel for the morning .
26 That at least means that during the season they are out in the countryside throwing themselves in front of Land Rovers every Saturday instead of standing outside Safeway 's screaming abuse at shoppers .
27 The tournament though , in giving some of our hopefuls the opportunity to assess themselves against quality foreign opposition , delivers some harsh truths .
28 One branch of the cartilaginous fish has adopted this position more or less permanently , abandoning the energy-consuming labour of perpetually beating their tail to maintain themselves in mid-water .
29 Although some lesbians exploited the opportunity to distance themselves from dirty , dangerous male sexuality , a vastly disproportionate number devoted themselves to AIDS work .
30 And those who said they did not find it a strain expressed themselves for example as follows :
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