Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Institutionalised racism manifests itself in insensitive service provision in health and social services , with barriers around language , the pattern of family names and vocabulary .
2 Confronted with the crass sexual exploitation of mainstream pop , alternative British rock shrouds itself in shapeless jumpers and stares heavenwards .
3 Indirect Rule and the evolution of the Commonwealth idea had disarmed much left-wing criticism of the empire in the years between the wars and encouraged the development among British radicals of ‘ responsible ’ views on imperial subjects , which came naturally to bloom when Labour found itself at last in office .
4 Do n't be surprised if your grief manifests itself in unexpected ways .
5 Labour committed itself to immediate acceptance of the Maastricht social charter , with implications for low pay and for women , and to meeting the UN 's target for aid as a percentage of GNP within five years .
6 Thrusting the heavy wooden doors of the lift open as they reached her floor , she precipitated herself into the small lobby from which the corridor to her room led , recoiling in dismay as a tall figure unwound itself from one of the two easy chairs beside a small table graced with a vase of fresh flowers .
7 Thames will have a 15 per cent stake in the unnamed channel , with BBCE limiting itself to 20 per cent .
8 The most dramatic development of the last quarter of a century has been the emergence of the urban-rural shift as a major factor in population redistribution , but in the late 1970s and early 1980s its strength waned somewhat , as too did the pace of local decentralization , whereas the North-South divide reasserted itself at this time after a period of lower significance .
9 We use the words in the sense of a psychic process by which the mind protects itself from undue or unbearable pain , anxiety or conflict .
10 The remainder of this chapter concerns itself with these two outer layers .
11 Nor was she in the gaming room with its low lights on green baize tables , circles of hands restless with chips , cards , cigarettes , while the tension adjusted itself with each soft call of the croupiers .
12 It would be tempting to assume that we have evidence here of some direct relationship with the Thynne family , Marquesses of Bath , at nearby Longleat ; that may be the case , but an equally likely explanation could be that the family was involved in nothing more than a slightly sycophantic attempt to ingratiate itself in some way with the local aristocracy .
13 Land was parcelled out to major mamluks to enrich themselves and this unusual form of alien rule perpetuated itself for several centuries .
14 A Classification Research Group of the Library Association formed itself with great hopes of constructing the ultimate universal scheme which could be adopted by all libraries .
15 The positivist attempt to disengage itself from legal conceptions of crime and the operations of legal processes generally , clearly marked it off from classical criminology .
16 The new complex lends itself to mechanised materials handling … whilst the cost of construction has been high , rental costs have been eliminated .
17 Fear wound itself like clammy tentacles around her heart and slithered along her veins .
18 The orange light resolved itself into four roadwork lanterns — and then he saw the cordon and roadblock with its black-and-white wooden pole which had been set up ahead , blocking off the entrance road which led up to the office-block frontage and car park .
19 Marxist arguments support this view , pointing out that cheap housing reduces the pressure on wages , allowing the labour force to reproduce itself despite low wages and in this way contributing to capital accumulation in the capitalist sector .
20 If so , America will have missed its best opportunity to lock itself into low inflation .
21 The result is a predictably idealistic criticism which at one level contents itself with rapid reference to formalistic definitions , and at another assesses the products of socialist realism with imprecise criteria culled generally from a liberal bourgeois critical tradition .
22 In 1973 the Ladies ' Committee concerned itself with this seat reporting ‘ It was a pity to leave it in the wet even if only there for the time being ’ .
23 By the summer of 1925 his growing disillusionment manifested itself in ceaseless role-playing , posing , self-interrogation .
24 This influence manifests itself in melodic shapes ( largely pentatonic falling patterns , but , unlike , say , Chicago blues , also lyrical , sustained , long-breathed ) ; vocal timbre ( rich , open-throated , sensuous ) ; and the use of melisma .
25 The financial sector prepared itself for full deregulation and open competition with foreign institutions .
26 When he had been given to Uncle Farmborough to be his heir and to look after him in his old age , he was considered fortunate — but how could a child reconcile itself to such a strange state of affairs that he had been given away , to the fact that his own father and mother , brother and sister , lived quite near in the village but , as it were , in a different camp ?
27 The committee addressed itself to two main interlocking problems : the central issue of the relationship between the individual local authorities and the polytechnics and other colleges , and the ‘ pooling ’ arrangements by which advanced courses were financed .
28 The committee addressed itself to three issues : the absolute price-level of CDs ; the price difference between CDs and cassettes ; and the price difference between CDs in America and Britain .
29 The frugivores seem to have wider ‘ niches ’ in rain forests than elsewhere , but the converse theory that the habitat lends itself to finer division into niches seems to hold for the carnivores .
30 THOSE who yearn for the smiling helpfulness of American skiing , but whose credit limits do not permit access to it , can console themselves with the news that the French resort of Les Arcs is launching a campaign to distinguish itself from competing resorts by encouraging staff to be unfailingly polite .
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