Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] so far [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The story goes so far as to suggest that Hewlett-Packard threatened to resign from OSF over the pace of development but changed its mind .
2 We have no intention to emigrate so far as present plans are concerned .
3 One journalist went so far as to assert , ‘ Carter should have little trouble with Congress ’ , while Professor Ross Baker noted that ‘ the basic elements are in place for a highly satisfactory relationship between Carter and Congress … there is no reason to forecast discord between the White House and Capitol Hill .
4 In fact , the Conducator went so far as to command the peasants to ‘ maintain the customs and dress of our great-great fore-bears , so that they shall always be in our memory .
5 In fact , the Committee goes so far as to assert that business and industry have no distinctive educational needs , and is thereby able to collapse point 2 in its terms of reference ( " the needs of business , the professions and the public services " ) into point 1 ( " the requirements of a liberal education " ) .
6 Desmond Heap , in his 1955 presidential address to the ( then ) Town Planning Institute went so far as to declare that the preservation of Green belts was ‘ the very raison d'etre of town and country planning ’ .
7 The Lewisham Council went so far as to apply to the High Court for an Order of Mandamus requiring the Commissioner of Police to seek to have the march banned .
8 There 's been one young girl killed so far as I know . "
9 A second line of argument is to see the picture painted so far as too static .
10 Where the husband goes so far as to cause injury , there are available a number of offences against the person with which he may be charged , but the gravamen of the husband 's conduct is the injury he has caused not the sexual intercourse he has forced . ’
11 Indeed , so fundamental to the outlook of Jacobean Protestants was this identification of the pope with Antichrist that one contemporary went so far as to define a Protestant as one who ‘ can swear the Pope is antichrist and that flesh is good on Friday ’ .
12 Again perceptions of the value of these interviews differed , but one teacher went so far as to say that if it needed an appraisal to bring these advisers into the school then it was worth it .
13 Members of the radical Inter-regional group went so far as to table a motion of no confidence in the government , but a vote on whether to consider this motion was heavily defeated on May 29 .
14 However the question in the present case was whether the duty of confidence which the defendant no doubt owed to the plaintiff extended so far as to bar disclosure of the report to the hospital or the Home Office .
15 This would not necessarily conflict with the picture of word-meaning developed so far if a single superordinate sense could be found which covered all the variants .
16 In kung fu one should never allow a technique to extend so far as to be impracticable .
17 In general terms , however , the present state of the law is that an individual who has reached the age of 18 is free to do with his life what he wishes , but it is the duty of the court to ensure so far as it can that children survive to attain that age .
18 Perceived as ‘ weak ’ and ‘ lonely ’ , one respondent went so far as to condemn raisins as ‘ embarrassing to be seen with in public ’ !
19 Nonetheless , the limits of the state 's autonomy would seem to be very wide , and Block goes so far as to postulate a ‘ tipping mechanism ’ which could allow the state to take a social formation away from the capitalist mode of production .
20 One writer went so far as to say that this construction ‘ flies in the face of the settled interpretation of this provision . ’
21 No other state went so far as this ; but then none needed to , for none started from the same position of isolation and estrangement from the outside world .
22 Glass goes so far as to describe her as ‘ a monster ’ though it is clear she had his complete respect .
23 As Carol Dyhouse has pointed out , in concentrating their attention on mothercraft , medical experts tended to devalue women 's knowledge regarding infant care , one doctor going so far as to label grandmothers as ‘ infanticide experts ’ .
24 Leaving no stone unturned for its Destiny launch , the telephone company offshoot went so far as to score still another first , announcing SVR4.2 simultaneously in Europe , the Far East , the US and Russia , reportedly at a Unix user group meeting , facilitated by the famed Esther Dyson .
25 TODAY has been told the letter went so far as to claim she had betrayed her husband , her sons and , above all , the Queen .
26 No problem arose so far as NHS general practitioners were concerned , except a very powerful dispute about the level of the compensation of junior doctors ; but with the consultants it was another story .
27 the Victoria County History goes so far as to suggest that the early nineteenth century prosperity of Leicester , based partly on the transport of hosiery goods by canal to London was ‘ probably due in no small degree to the fact that from 1802 onwards the development of communication had largely been completed . ’
28 Although parts of Sun , such as Sun Federal , have reportedly been flirting with IXI , Sun headquarters has clearly labelled the firm a competitor going so far as to put a last-minute kibosh on a real estate deal that would have moved IXI headquarters in Cambridge , England into Sun UK 's offices as a tenant .
29 The couple went so far as to have Chris Nixon , one of the best unit publicists in the business , fired .
30 The publisher Moxon went so far as to put out an edition of the Shelley forgeries , with an introduction by Robert Browning .
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