Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] by both [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was submitted on behalf of Mr Street that the court can not in these circumstances decide that the agreement created a tenancy without interfering with the freedom of contract enjoyed by both parties .
2 A Truth Commission was established to investigate selected acts of violence committed by both sides since 1980 ‘ whose mark on society makes most urgent the public knowledge of the truth ’ .
3 One recommendation advanced by both reports was that each primary school should have a ‘ teacher-consultant ’ who would act as leader in these specialist subject areas .
4 The football played by both sides yesterday , was top class .
5 It was a ritual acknowledged by both sides .
6 One criterion ignored by both critics is that of euphony , although its relevance to the Sonnets has long been clear .
7 The slaughter suffered by both sides may get worse .
8 With the new Polish Government actively considering large-scale privatisation , much attention is beginning to focus on a proposal favoured by both sides of the political fence in Britain .
9 Subject to budgetary approval , the plan ratified by both houses of the federal parliament will mean growth of 16 per cent pa in the science budget for the next four years .
10 Indeed , Falkenhayn never attempted to break through the enemy lines — so far the sole tactic attempted by both sides — but planned rather to bleed France white by attacking that which the French nation would not tolerate being taken .
11 In his view , the courts had no power to question the validity of any act passed by both Houses of Parliament and given the Royal Assent .
12 The greater the thought and attention given by both parties to developing the completion account rules , the less likely that the parties will be unable to agree the actual completion accounts .
13 The last business completed by both houses , besides passage of the continuing resolution on the budget , the Constitution ( 75th Amendment ) Bill and resolutions to extend president 's rule in Punjab and Assam [ see below ] , also included a measure increasing parliamentary pensions by 150 per cent .
14 A tiny crack in the ice of formal relations with the Shipping Federation had appeared in June 1917 , when , arising out of an ad hoc conference attended by both parties on their own initiative on the limited issue of overtime in port on weekly vessels , a suggestion by the union that a Standing Central Joint Committee and appropriate District Committees might be set up to deal with this particular question , and possibly others , was referred by the representatives of the shipowners to their main body for consideration .
15 It would be able to accommodate 150,000 drums of radiocative material accumulated in Taiwan since 1979 , as well as low-level waste produced by both governments for the next three years .
16 In Smith v Peters ( 1875 ) LR 20 Eq 511 , there was an agreement for the sale of fixtures and fittings of a public house at a valuation by a person named by both parties .
17 Pacepa argued that Ceauşescu was hand-in-glove with Brezhnev and that the split between Romania and the Soviet Union was a deception agreed by both parties to cheat the West .
18 However , the appeal judges were critical of Justice Morling 's willingness to enter into an assessment of the quality of the epidemiological evidence tendered by both parties , and of his comments about his preferences for particular epidemiological evidence and witnesses .
19 The measure was part of the policy adopted by both governments entirely to free capital movements as envisaged in the European Community ( EC ) plan for economic and monetary union .
20 The ground covered by both books is , in the early stages , fairly similar .
21 The role of the inspector ( see Figure 5.15 ) is to report the matter to the person one level up who controls the whole space owned by both teams ; this person then decides on a solution .
22 It is true that the potential is clearly there : judges retain the independence they won after the ‘ Glorious Revolution ’ ; members of the senior judiciary may only be removed by the Queen on an address presented by both Houses of Parliament .
23 Judges of the High Court and above , with the exception of the Lord Chancellor , hold office during good behaviour subject to a power of removal by Her Majesty on an address presented by both Houses of Parliament , but no English judge has been removed under this provision which derives from the Act of Settlement 1701 .
24 Much of the rhetoric used by both sides was couched in the language of no-popery , and bore a striking similarity to the arguments used during the Exclusion Crisis .
25 In the case of terms in a written contract signed by both parties , there will be no doubt that the terms have been properly incorporated .
26 The party line adopted by both companies maintains that USL will be free-standing and their two product lines kept distinct for the foreseeable future .
27 The comrades Honecker , Zhivkov , and above all , Ceauşescu himself , still lived in a mental world shaped by both Stalin 's dreams and his cynical realism .
28 A case where the claim was set out in one letter agreed by both parties and a later , unilateral , submission was not copied to the other party is discussed in l3.13.2 .
29 Nonetheless , a standard form drafted by both parties or by bodies representing both parties is more likely to be considered reasonable .
30 The western media tended to portray Chea Sim as the leader of a " hardline faction " in opposition to Hun Sen and his " liberal grouping " , an analysis denounced by both men during interviews given at the time of the congress .
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