Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] themselves in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Strange said : " Athletes who are in the public eye have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner which can set a positive example .
2 The unions are still engaged in a struggle to establish themselves in the available ‘ space ’ , a struggle that has very largely been resolved in the case of the BR unions where it was in any case mainly confined to representation of the footplate grades .
3 Their recruitment policy has worked very well for them and they are by far the largest outside America , although they are still having great difficulty establishing themselves in the USA .
4 He was a chaser of the highest class , and had not other horses of unproven stamina excelled themselves in the National ?
5 The men amongst the ultra-religious Chasidim immerse themselves in a mikva before the onset of the sabbath in order to purify themselves spiritually .
6 As to article 52 , the refusal to register as British fishing vessels boats owned , chartered , managed or operated by nationals of other member states , whether natural or legal persons , deprived those nationals of their right to establish themselves in the United Kingdom in order to pursue their fishing activities under the same conditions as nationals of the United Kingdom .
7 As for companies from other member states , which by virtue of the first paragraph of article 58 are equated to natural persons for the purposes of the application of the provisions on the right of establishment , the Act of 1988 deprives them of the right to establish themselves in the United Kingdom through the intermediary of agencies , branches or subsidiaries , since it provides that only companies set up under the laws of the United Kingdom may be owners and operators of fishing vessels , and restricts their right of participation in the capital of companies or firms , as the corresponding right of natural persons is restricted by the Act .
8 The 34027 Locomotive Group found themselves in a similar position with a well-loaded train being cancelled within sight of the locomotive being prepared , so to speak .
9 Once the mystery has provided a sufficient reason for hero or heroine to find themselves in a good opening situation of suspense , the person or persons behind that mystery can be safety revealed .
10 Ninety percent of them said yes , that it depends on how you present the figures , so in actual fact I wonder how our tenant farmers all of a sudden find themselves in a position that they perhaps would rather sign a petition and not put their heads above the parapet bearing in mind you are in a community , bear in mind you are connected , bear in mind that your livelihood is with those others and I have to say it is true that a certain business in my area connected with farming has been threatened .
11 Those who preferred the pretence of business immersed themselves in a book and , from time to time , made an ostentatious note .
12 For Foucault , the tendency of theories of ideology to entrammel themselves in the categories of psychoanalysis , even with the eternal in Althusser 's case , means that they themselves begin to utilize the very procedures of individuation that they ought to have been analysing .
13 The purpose of recording interviews is to give students a chance to see themselves in a situation where they ca n't predict the direction an exchange may take .
14 By exposing the workings of pop ( the way myth is stagemanaged , the way glamour is constructed ) the new pop entryists actually deny the listener the chance to lose themselves in the ‘ commodity fetishism ’ they purport to celebrate .
15 A man and his wife positioned themselves in the middle of one of the tree-lined avenues and sang ballads to a harmonica .
16 Now that 's not particularly sensational , and that 's where the drugs and the alcohol abuse level comes across , and that is the emotive term , but what I 'm saying really is the symptoms which that teachers are displaying of stress manifest themselves in an increase in er abuse of alcohol which could only be the odd extra drink , or the odd 5 cigarettes a day , and sleeping tablets , and that becomes an issue when you have n't got a teacher who 's not in control the following day , but you certainly have a teacher who 's not 100% , and that 's where the effect on the child tends to occur .
17 Another distinct group among the long-term unemployed are the very young , many of whom have never had a chance to prove themselves in a job .
18 At the same time , UK paperbackers are contractually bound not to issue their paperbacks into the UK before the hardback editions of the same titles have had a chance to prove themselves in the bookshops .
19 But Lisa 's mother points out that it 's unusual for people with Downs Syndrome to be given a chance to prove themselves in the first place :
20 How do the properties of the chain manifest themselves in the bulk ?
21 On the basis of proposals put forward by Kohl the heads of state and government committed themselves in an annexed document to reach unanimous agreement by Dec. 31 , 1993 , on a treaty to establish a Central European Criminal Investigation Office ( " Europol " ) .
22 There were those , however , who decided by a quite conscious effort of will to involve themselves in the day-to-day life of such humble if not squalid areas of London ; one such man was Rev. William Quekett , about whom Dickens was here writing in his article , ‘ What a London curate can do if he tries ’ .
23 The newcomers ' decision to present themselves in the city as ‘ Sotheby Deutschland ’ , rather than as an Anglo-American auction house , has proved to be a wise one .
24 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
25 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
26 When people from this background find themselves in the middle of an industrial set-up , it is not easy for them to adjust their values or frames of reference , just as people from an industrial society , used to individual wages and jobs , would feel confused if suddenly thrust into a peasant society .
27 Many of the principles which underlay the provision of rural housing in the nineteenth century reasserted themselves in a new institutional framework .
28 Communication draws to a standstill when a couple find themselves in a ‘ lip-lock ’ .
29 Roland had been a warrior at war ; the knights of the Round Table found themselves in every possible , and impossible , situation .
30 ‘ It takes most soaps quite a long time to establish themselves in the favour of the audience .
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