Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] itself in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
2 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
3 The ‘ resentment ’ at being denied possible access to positions of respect and maybe responsibility manifests itself in a number of ways , not least in the social posture of black youth in the UK .
4 If the pub as an institution expresses itself in a rich variety of ways , the same is true of the physical forms it takes .
5 I would not wish the Council to find itself in a position in which it felt obliged to oppose the franchising arrangements as a result of your published views as to future developments which might emerge from the franchising scheme . ’
6 While foot-based metre(s) do display promotion , they are typically " heavier " lines , and such heaviness shows itself in the high degree of demotion ( e.g. of lexical monosyllables — blind in three blind mice ) and subordination within the line .
7 The affinity between dog and cat reveals itself in the number of equi-status or near-equi-status traits they have in common ; and the differences between dog and cat appear more sharply when the affinity patterns are articulated in greater detail by means of diagnostic frames .
8 One thrust of this revolt displayed itself in a widespread attachment to the established church of the pre-1625 period , with its more relaxed doctrinal approach that was able to accommodate the beliefs of Richard Hooker as well as those of the compilers of the Lambeth Articles ; the other took the form of the ‘ left-wing Arminianism ’ of radical groups such as the General Baptists and Quakers , who rejected the rigidities of predestination in favour of the belief that all could attain salvation , and who , it is argued , won much popular support as a consequence .
9 ‘ Instead the council finds itself in an impossible position . ’
10 In Prussia the crisis manifested itself in a variety of ways .
11 For Lacan notes how it is only when the infant encounters itself in a ‘ mirroring ’ image that a form is set up for the face and body ; the mirror provides a perceptual gestalt ‘ ideal ’ form , which does not reflect a reality since it differs from the subject 's fragmentary experience .
12 This distinction manifests itself in the fact that the " see that " paraphrase fits the second sentence very well but is very awkward for the first .
13 The two rocks are different in chemical composition , and this difference manifests itself in a number of intriguing ways ; ways which a fair part of this book will be devoted to exploring .
14 I threaten nothing , but sit on my branch , attentive as any other creature ; as slowly the forest reveals itself in the cry of a bird , the crash of a branch , the rustle of leaves as something moves through the forest litter ; the incessant percussive music of insects .
15 The contradiction shows itself in the phenomena of underconsumption and in periodic crises ; and it provides the main ground for Marx 's expectation of an eventual breakdown of the capitalist system .
16 The co-ordinator leads the group into the sanctuary and the group arranges itself in a semi-circle facing the congregation .
17 For a while , the most successful pop groups had the power to shift mass consciousness to an unprecedented degree and this confidence expressed itself in a plethora of new sexualities brought into the public eye , offered up for public consumption and then put into practice in people 's lives .
18 As things stand , it is probably only a matter of time before the site finds itself in the hands of property speculators , a sad fate for what was one of the largest mills on the Painswick Stream .
19 When dissatisfaction identifies itself in the form of a complaint , this necessary condition for long-term survival is clearly not being met .
20 These involved considering : ( a ) how long it will take the purchaser to build up further clientele ; ( b ) how frequently customers in the market change between the various competitors ; ( c ) how quickly new products come on to the market and are taken up by customers ; ( d ) how long it will take the vendor to re-establish itself in the market if there is no restrictive covenant .
21 David Stirling felt that this was a waste of time and resources and that it should be possible for a large group to maintain itself in the desert for a period of several weeks .
22 The process repeats itself in the second test-tube and then a drop is removed and used to seed the third test-tube , and so on .
23 Over the ensuing months the Iranian government gained sufficient confidence to reassert itself in the disaffected province whereas the Soviets appeared to lose their nerve and sense of direction .
24 Improvements in the general conditions of blacks had taken place between Johnson 's era , when white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan articulated deeply-held sentiments , when at least three hundred and fifty blacks were illegally lynched and mixed marriages were forbidden , and that of Ali , when conflict manifested itself in the Watts riots and radicalism came in the form of the black power movements .
25 The other concealed itself in a discarded leather shoe .
26 The test now embodied in the UCTA is thus a hypothetical test , which requires the court to put itself in the position of the parties as they were ( and with the state of knowledge which they had ) at the time when the contract was made .
27 And the largely monodisciplinary pattern of higher education reproduces itself in the writing about higher education , most of which adopts the particular perspective of one discipline , be it philosophy , history , sociology , economics or psychology .
28 In this reading of things , each bureaucracy has become adept at marking out turf and advancing its own interests , whilst the Party-State leadership finds itself in the position of ‘ broker ’ between contending interests and ‘ constituencies ’ .
29 Appreciation of the ways in which the various shapes are related enables the teacher to ask further leading questions when a suitable opening presents itself in a child 's play ( e.g. commenting on the way the flat slabs will go together to make a staircase of three steps — ‘ What would we need to make the next step ? ’ ) .
30 Stance manifests itself in the adoption of certain approaches , methods or techniques : the experimental method of the scientist , the survey method of the sociologist , the close reading of the student of literature .
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