Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] the principle " in BNC.

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1 The right of the pursuers to rescind the contract arose from the principle of mutuality and the materiality of the defenders ' breach , but the intention of the defenders is also relevant .
2 In the theory of criminal responsibility , however , this variety of tests of responsibility is challenged on the ground that the stricter tests of responsibility deviate from the principle of individual liberty which the doctrine of mens rea is designed to respect .
3 It was partly because of this experience that he had no hesitation in supporting wholeheartedly the Roskill recommendation to depart from the principle of jury trial in complex fraud cases , against the ( ultimately successful ) Home Office view advocated by Hurd .
4 The therapy works on the principle that like cures like .
5 The method used to detect DNA bending depends on the principle that a bend near the end of a restriction fragment causes a less pronounced reduction in electrophoretic mobility as compared to a bend in the middle .
6 For many of those who do take the text seriously however , Christian teaching on the subject of wealth is summed up either by one of the easily remembered phrases from the Gospels such as ‘ Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ’ ( Luke 18:22 ) or ‘ You can not serve God and Mammon ’ ( Luke 16:13 ) or that ‘ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 18:25 ) or by the way in which the members of the Jerusalem Church as recorded in Acts of the Apostles shared their wealth according to the principle ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his need ’ .
7 The idea of well-being originates from the principle of balance ; a harmonious relationship and union between mind and body .
8 Positivism is the name given to the philosophy based on the principle that all claims to knowledge must be scientifically provable — there must be " positive proof " .
9 Lord Mackay 's decision to introduce standard fees instead of the hourly rates for legal aid work went against the principle that a solicitor would receive ‘ fair remuneration ’ for an individual case , Michael Beloff QC , for the society , told the High Court in London .
10 A stack works on the principle of ‘ last in first out ’ ( LIFO ) .
11 The stirring is automatic , the cutting is done by machine and the milling is done by a machine working on the principle of a giant food processor .
12 Mason v. New South Wales , 102 C.L.R. 108 was a case where the ratio decidendi of the majority turned on the principle of duress .
13 Of course , in practice , the Great Helmsman acted on the principle : ‘ Kill ten thousand , frighten a billion ’ , and not just once .
14 Although a failure to comply with the principle is not directly an offence , it could result in an ‘ enforcement notice ’ being issued by the Registrar .
15 a printing process based on the principle of the natural aversion of water to grease .
16 Whether this moral — social distinction should be reflected in the law by introducing a doctrine of manslaughter by excessive defence depends on the importance attached to the principle of fair labelling ( see Chapter 3.3 ( l ) ) .
17 Unlike a petrol engine with a throttle , or accelerator , to vary the amount of fuel and air being sucked into the engine , diesel works on the principle that air in a cylinder will , if it is compressed , heat enough to ignite fuel without the use of a spark plug .
18 This was an actual 15-megaton bomb working on the principle of fission-fusion-fission and exploded on Bikini Atoll , on 1 March , 1954 .
19 This American computer-produced service works from the principle that people with similar research interests who write articles cite the research of other people in their references .
20 I had the somewhat faint hope that he might lead me to the place and permit me to stand where Balboa had stood — on the very peak which John Keats , with the kind of monumental mistakenness permitted under the principle of poetic licence — declared was occupied by :
21 collective security During the four years that Nizan was writing in his capacity as foreign-affairs correspondent for L'Humanite ( 1935–7 ) and Ce Soir ( 1937–9 ) , he ceaselessly and fearlessly articulated a coherent antifascist diplomatic strategy based on the principle of collective security .
22 The railways in both Britain and Spain are in theory governed by the principle of the autonomy of public enterprise management from the sources of political authority that formulate their objectives .
23 The method works on the principle that the art form is a healing agent but that time must be allowed for the work to be effective .
24 The people explained their action as an attempt on their part to adhere to the principle of non-violence , but , as Gandhi pointed out , such action could more easily be interpreted as cowardice than non-violence .
25 ‘ Now if the defendants were bound to charge the plaintiff for the carriage of his goods a less sum , and they refused to carry them except upon payment of a greater sum , as he was compelled to pay the amount demanded , and could not otherwise have his goods carried , the case falls within the principle of several decided cases , in which it has been held that money which a party has been wrongfully compelled to pay under circumstances in which he was unable to resist the imposition , may be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
26 Treaty to comply with the principle of non-discrimination , and referred to Klensch v. Secrétaire d'Etat à l'Agriculture et à la Viticulture ( Joined Cases 201/85 , 202/85 ) [ 1986 ] E.C.R. 3477 .
27 Now that the definition of " own resources " has officially changed , it makes sense to focus upon the principle of equity from the outset .
28 The new constitution described the FRY as a " sovereign federal state based on the principle of equality of its citizens and its member republics " ; the republics had sovereignty over issues not within the competence of the FRY .
29 The second theme was the adoption of a ‘ just deserts ’ approach based on the principle of proportional punishment as the primary aim of sentencing , though this was qualified in respect of certain types of offence by the third theme which was based on the retention of the now-familiar bifurcatory or twin-track approach to sentencing .
30 The government operates on the principle of collective leadership …
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