Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] the head " in BNC.

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1 They need to be the product of shared work between head , governors , staff and , as far as possible , parents , but the main responsibility lies on the head .
2 And tape goes past the head at about seven and a half inches a second .
3 Typically , the mandible of Pterygote insects is a solid compact piece articulating with the head by a ginglymus and condyle .
4 Binding off has ‘ give ’ and ensures a round neck goes over the head .
5 Then , after a pause , the G cell turns towards the head , while the C cell extends towards the tail ( see figure ) .
6 These include such essentials as a preliminary sounding meeting with the head and whoever else is part of the school 's senior management ( i.e. anyone in a position to further the aims of the group ) to secure their sanction and support ; and an introductory meeting with as many of the staff as possible and manageable , for instance over a working lunch , regardless of who will eventually join the group , so that everybody knows what it will be about and interest is generated even in those who may not wish to join it .
7 Only later did Sukarno reveal the full venom of his animosity ( ‘ While I was taking hammer blows on the head his entire underground effort can be summed up by saying he sat quietly and safely away somewhere listening to a clandestine radio ’ ) .
8 The search for Dennis Garvey has been stepped up after a post mortem revealed his wife had died from hammer blows to the head .
9 Headaches are congestive and throbbing ; blood mounts to the head ; better ( > ) cold and rest , worse ( < ) heat , motion and lying down ; often they have to sit up and apply pressure to the head and a cold application .
10 Under this regime , the most solid nerves can not resist for long ; the moment arrives where the blood mounts to the head ; where fever burns the body and where the nerves , exhausted , become incapable of reacting .
11 ‘ Of course it was the bedroom belonging to the head of the house but he could n't have turned mother out . ’
12 Those attending included the Kuwaiti Oil Minister Rashid Salim al Amiri , and an Iraqi delegation led by the head of the State Company for Oil Marketing rather than by the recently appointed acting Oil Minister , Brig. -Gen .
13 But the terms were not equal , for his assailant bled from the head , under his conical helm and gorget of chain mail , and from some wounds under his plate-armour , also , for there were red seams in his body-harness , and he leaned to his right side , favouring it as he fought .
14 The adviser described to the head the purpose of the visit as ‘ to get on the right wavelength — that the self-appraisal needs some talking through ’ .
15 The president sat at the head of the long mahogany table .
16 Once the body had been placed in the coffin and the fitted pillow positioned under the head , these ‘ sheets ’ were folded over the remains and either pinned together or roughly sewn into place .
17 A move to restrict the use of juries in libel actions was defeated in 1981 , largely as a result of public satisfaction at the performance of the jury which sat for six months to hear the claim for libel brought by the head of the " Moonies " in England against the " Daily Mail " .
18 This session ended with the Head of Department visibly upset by the criticisms over output , particularly homework , and it was decided that an extra session should be arranged in order further to explore issues in evaluation and assessment .
19 Individual department reports were then compiled into faculty reports by the head of faculty who again added his/her own comments .
20 In 1980 the US response to conflict at the head of the Gulf was twofold .
21 Joseph could see tufts of grizzled hair protruding from beneath the sweat-soaked turban wrapped around the head of his aged coolie and he did n't have the heart to order him to gallop .
22 Chung ran a campaign — widely compared with that of Ross Perot in the US elections — which portrayed him as a political " outsider " with direct economic experience gleaned as the head of a giant commercial concern .
23 The person then goes round the circle touching on the head those sitting and saying ‘ Was it you , was it you , was it you ? ’ until eventually says ‘ It was you ’ .
24 On being relieved , the decoration parade , with a general galloping at the head of his elegant staff past the tattered and gap-ridden ranks of the 151st , seemed to young Campana ‘ the most beautiful day of my life ’ .
25 Sergeant Juron was slurring lies into a helmet microphone torn from the head of the dead Princeps as Yeremi returned .
26 An image flew into her head of Dorothy as some Wagnerian virago ; it was not entirely inappropriate — there had been a whiff of the Valkyrie about her mother , with her alternating hairstyles of frayed bun or plait wound around the head and tendency to long brown shapeless garments .
27 The latest outbursts against Governor Chris Patten 's democracy package came from the head of China 's Hong Kong affairs office , Lu Ping , who said Mr Patten would be ‘ condemned through the ages . ’
28 At the time of this review , the Senior Management Team consisted of the Head , the three Deputy Heads ( First Deputy Head ( Staff ) , Second Deputy Head ( Curriculum ) , Third Deputy Head ( Administration ) , and a Senior Teacher , the Director of Studies .
29 A black bar runs , unbroken , from the operculum to the caudal fin with black bars running at an angle from this , giving the impression of a chevron pointing towards the head .
30 It has been his job to knock on the head any mutterings about this summer 's circus , notably those emanating from the Partito Sardo D'Azione , the Sardinian nationalist party , which proclaims sarcastically that it thought Sardinia 's days as a penal colony were long past .
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