Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [prep] the very " in BNC.

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1 Paige said quickly , heart thumping at the very idea .
2 With the skeg placed at the very back , there is also less chance of spin out .
3 The practitioner travels in all directions , executing various movements , with the final technique ending at the very point where he began .
4 ‘ The ideal milieu , ’ says the reply from the WCC , ‘ would be in a Third World country ( where ) the ‘ laboratory ’ for research lies at the very door-step of the academic institution .
5 These displayed a more immediate response to the Last Trump , with the shrouded figure depicted in the very act of rising from the coffin .
6 There was thus a source of tension built into the very heart of the new biology , a tension that was never resolved and would ultimately divide the life sciences into a chaos of competing disciplines .
7 The chaotic and often brutal policing of the march contributed to the very problem which the RUC was supposed to control .
8 There is a contract made with the very person there who is present in person .
9 The frequency of political discussions rose sharply between the pre-campaign week and the final campaign , but then it continued to rise steadily throughout the campaign to peak at the very end .
10 To the Israelis , however , and to their supporters in the Jewish diaspora , the same question struck at the very morality of Zionism .
11 The privileges of that Act went to the very heart of the N H S.
12 A young lady stood near the very centre of the circle , still on the arm of a much older gentleman whose attentive pose betokened a parental or protective association with his eager , fashionable young companion , who behaved as if she were very conscious of being watched and admired .
13 Tony Pickard will motivate the British Davis Cup Team to perform to the very limit of its capabilities .
14 The danger lies in the very distinction between signifier and signified , and for this reason Derrida prefers to use a concept like différance which , while preserving the Saussurean principle of the differential , is completely non-substantive and non-hierarchical .
15 A feeling of failure lies at the very heart of Serb nationalism , and with that come all the various justifications for this failure : all the various Cominterns , masonries and their unbelievable plots .
16 Somehow or other that piece of parchment and the seed cake lie at the very heart of the murder and they must know something about both .
17 The band performed at the very peak of their live power and the volatile Scottish crowds responded accordingly .
18 Hot sport , heavy drink , the aphrodisiac of leisure and the compulsion to press into the very gut of pleasure combined now and then to threaten choppy waters , even a storm .
19 He was not the cleverest speaker in the house , a palm which by general consent went to the very Tory Charles Smyth , and the house also contained Patrick Devlin and Selwyn Lloyd and sometimes Rab Butler .
20 For Angell the key evidence of the irrationality of war lay in the very delicacy of the newly evolved mechanisms of international finance .
21 His room lay at the very end of the corridor , beyond the locked doors of closets and bedrooms and attic steps .
22 It is to save them the need to refer to the very foundations of morality and practical reasoning generally in every case .
23 There is a dank muskiness purveyed through the very stone of the walls and the original plaster of the unexpectedly beautiful vaulting .
24 In the back of the car , Henrietta and Samantha made exaggerated vomiting sounds at the very thought of it , and Jacqueline joined enthusiastically in the pantomime .
25 The relationship struck at the very roots of their human dignity .
26 His lips closed over the whole of that puckered orifice , and she could feel his tongue darting into the very folds of her anus .
27 Signs that there had been loss of control appear at the very beginning of James 's reign when commissioners hearing private suits to the King were ordered not to give reversions to places of consequence .
28 Significantly the dream of an Imperial organic entity perished on the very battlefields of Flanders where the self-governing Dominions did apparently fight ‘ for their common interests ’ :
29 For de Man the opposition of subject and object is neither conflated nor maintained , neither resolved nor left in any kind of productive tension , and the persuasive force of his argument depends upon the very slippage between these two rationales .
30 I do n't want to get it out of proportion with other great doctrines of the faith , but this subject goes to the very heart of the gospel and has radical implications for everyday life .
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