Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv] [been] concerned " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless it must be realised that the energy we now devote to curriculum content has tended to overshadow and obliterate the debate about curriculum delivery with which this chapter has also been concerned .
2 The committee has also been concerned during 1992 to enquire further into the terms upon which banks and finance houses offer services to members of the Bar .
3 Palaeontological work has largely been concerned with Mesozoic and Tertiary studies in support of the petroleum geology programme for the Department of Energy and with particular problems of Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy .
4 In approaching these questions , he first argues that the criminal law has always been concerned with morals , or moral principles , and that these moral principles are , in this country , inextricably tied to religion — ‘ the moral standards generally accepted in western civilisation being those belonging to Christianity ’ .
5 The common law had largely been concerned with action to restore order after disorder had taken place .
6 Swansea City Council have also been concerned with revitalising a decaying inner urban area based upon the decaying South Dock Area .
7 Government policies since the last war have never been concerned directly with reducing social class inequalities in housing .
8 As has already been noted above , the Commission has always been concerned to examine the nature of national regional policy instruments for signs of domestic protectionism .
9 Western moral thought has also been concerned with the related question of whether the fetus is a person , with all the attendant rights of a human being .
10 Since the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947 the granting of planning permission for rural housing has arguably been concerned with the visual quality of the countryside rather than with alleviating problems of housing need .
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