Example sentences of "time [prep] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 During his time as Head Gardener he planted several M. soulangeana and after the Second World War he also planted M. kobus , M. mollicomata , M. sinensis , M. stellata and M. acuminata .
2 If parents do not find time for such training they will spend more time scolding and correcting at a later stage .
3 It 's the first time for 11 years they 've reached the final stages .
4 All the time during each turn it is essential to have a plan for the worst contingency and to know exactly what you would do if you suddenly lost 200 feet .
5 Some time during those years I remember thinking it offensive that all the people ‘ up front ’ in black were male .
6 In addition to insufficient budget in a time of deep recession we now realise that TECs are facing an unmanageable task .
7 When I saw Ben 's winning time of 9.83 seconds I was totally amazed .
8 But in a time of rapid change it is difficult always to separate the two .
9 At the time of this translation we were not sufficiently in touch with Burmese poets and authors or with Buddhist monks , who together might have helped us to be more truly indigenous .
10 At the time of this incident I was patrol inspector at .
11 Yes sir , I 'm Michael Charles er police Superintendent in the at present stationed at er at the time of this incident I was the operations Superintendent at .
12 ‘ In fact , sir , by the time of this interview she was mature in , well , in every way , sir , and struck the Visitor as a very competent housewife .
13 Though adolescence is generally a time of intense sociability. it can also often be a time of intense loneliness .
14 All the time with other people she was acting , confident and charming ; backstage alone , the pain in her eyes glared at her from a bright-lit make-up mirror , weeping at the tawdriness of it all , scorning costume and plot and witty script .
15 Most of the time with this car it simply is n't important : in town and at up to 50mph , performance is sufficient , not least because it is so responsive , so effortless .
16 Er in most of them will er most people in Ireland will be in a pub at some stage of the day you know and it 's no unusual thing to er we 've got a recording studio in we live or I live rather and it 's not unusual to walk out the studio at er lunch time with some people you 'd been recording and go into the pub for a lunch and if you were n't very careful you could still be there that evening singing
17 Secondly , the court may order him to forfeit his office if he is convicted for corruption under the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 , and if he is convicted a second time under that Act he may be adjudged incapable for ever of holding a public office .
18 For the first time in 11 years you can get nearly two dollars for every £ because the American dollar is so weak .
19 DEC said that for the first time in six quarters it generated positive cash flow from operations and investments , even with restructuring activities .
20 Early on a wet Sunday morning outside Yaroslavl station , in the centre of Moscow , my journey was complete and for the first time in 10 days I was alone .
21 ‘ For the second time in two days I 'm hearing the usually benevolent lioness growl , ’ she said .
22 For the second time in two days she had been bought and sold .
23 It is the first time in recent memory she has missed the ceremony .
24 Gorbachev disclosed that " for the first time in recent years we laid quite a strong stress on what our economic relations should be like " , although he failed to provide details on the precise content of the talks .
25 It was the fourth time in five years she had been injured in the line of duty .
26 I 've done it five , this is the first time in five years I 've had New Year 's Eve off .
27 For the first time in many months she contemplated the uncontemplatable , and thought that it might not be so with him , even though her heart began to thud uncomfortably at the very idea .
28 In fact , in my time in central recruitment we have not used headhunters in any way , and there is little prospect of our doing so in the near future . ’
29 This is the first time in 20 years I have felt any hope . ’
30 If you want to live a long , long time in sturdy health you ca n't go wrong in forming the habit of long vigorous walking every day … until it becomes a habit as important to you as eating and sleeping .
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