Example sentences of "time [verb] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The drama course for professional performers which does not at the present time qualify for a mandatory award , is fully accredited by the National Council of Drama Training as is the Acting Option of the Graduate Diploma course .
2 Mrs Freda Bastianelli , the mother of four-month-old twin boys , who has a house on the shoreline , complained that another year was a long time to wait for a possible cure .
3 A freezer well stocked with little bags , each containing a prepared calorie-counted and fibre-counted meal , provides excellent protection against temptation to break your diet simply because you have n't had time to shop for the right foods .
4 That gave her time to go for a quick wash .
5 He spent his time looking for a Jewish homeland that was not Palestine .
6 We had spent much time looking for the right place and seemed to have explored almost every corner of the country , from Devon to Cumberland , and had almost settled on a disused mill at Fisherton-de-la-Mare , near Amesbury .
7 Bayern Munich , Tottenham , Aston Villa , Chelsea and Everton were all linked with Hughes — as Fergie spent his time searching for a new goal star .
8 Rather than waste much time searching for a single , unambiguous statement specifying multimedia on which everyone will agree , we will aim instead for a working understanding of the term .
9 Finding a special moulding can be a real inspiration for a picture and really boost one 's enthusiasm , so spending some time searching for the perfect frame , or one that is very unusual , can be highly profitable .
10 This , at its most exalted , represented the aspiration of Owenism ; and though few Owenites would have heard the song , when the time came for the countless host to stream in through gates of pearl , that surely is what they could have sung as they marched .
11 But when the time came for the annual bail-out , the recession-strapped Culture Ministry balked .
12 Additionally , less electricity is used and the chef wastes no time waiting for the correct temperature to be reached .
13 Yet she sensed that now was not the time to press for a formal interview .
14 Even if a " bill " succeeds at this stage , there is no further time allocated for the remaining stages and so , unless the Government gives up some of its time , the bill will not proceed further .
15 On top of that many of them necessarily have to divide their time to allow for the other tasks for which they are also responsible .
16 Lio ! rt came in for a second run , but slower this time to allow for the big man 's unexpected agility .
17 If adjustments are late at the end of an accounting period they have to be corrected manually causing the work involved in administering the system to increase making it very time consuming for the clerical staff .
18 A significant deterioration in cognitive function was defined as two or more consecutive increments of 5% or more in the mean time taken for a correct response and of 2% or more in the error rate with the last of the five euglycaemic test scores used as baseline .
19 The rates of diffusion of two gases may be compared by measuring the time taken for a given volume of each gas to diffuse through a porous surface under identical conditions .
20 The challenge involves a variety of modes of transport and the time taken for a particular journey , typically a journey to work during the rush hour .
21 The distance between any two points would then he proportional to the number of neurones a message must traverse to get from one to the other ; it would also be roughly proportional to the time taken for a neural message to travel between them .
22 Through this , it was also possible to calculate the the time taken for the simple reaction time involved in the relay of messages between the brain and the hand .
23 In the first study four of the 26 subjects with symptomatic infections had influenza B and showed a 38% increase in the mean time taken for the variable fore period simple reaction time task , from 320 ( SD 24 ) ms when recruited to 440 ( SD 90 ) ms when symptomatic .
24 A better method is to measure the time taken for the full code to be read in .
25 This is a useful technique for systems designed to operate at the highest speeds , where the time taken for the initial current build.up exceeds the step period , so that chopping action does not have time to begin in an excited phase ( Acarnley , 1984 ) .
26 If , on the other hand , you have no time left for the doubtful part of the question , declare your doubt whether the question was intended to have any further scope , and leave it there .
27 If records are stored in the next available position in the prime data area — the consecutive spill method — but a link field is provided from the home record or from the last synonym , this avoids unnecessary head movements and cuts down the search time required for the consecutive spill techniques .
28 He spent most of his free time working for the Overseas Workers ' Union , a clandestine anti-colonial organisation chiefly recruited from Indians and Chinese .
29 That there had been no time to prepare for a gradual hand-over of power , to make plans for social , political , economic and military integration , only made things worse .
30 If and when the time comes for the Created God to become a reality , the substance of the foregoing paragraph could be removed from the area of speculation and be accepted as truth .
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